The meaning of the lyrics of the song "The White Silence" (Beloe bezmolvie) the performer of the song "Vladimir Vysotsky"

All the years, centuries, epochs in a row,

Everything seeks warmth from frosts and blizzards.

Why then do these birds fly north,

If birds are supposed to only fly south?

They need no glory or greatness.

Soon the ice under their wings will end,

And they will find bird happiness,

As a reward for a daring flight.

What kept us from living, what kept us from sleeping?

What drove us out on this high wave?

We have not yet witnessed radiance.

It is rare - radiance at a price!

Silence. Only seagulls - like lightning.

We feed them emptiness from our hands.

But as a reward for our silence

There will surely be sound.

For how long have we only dreamed in white,

Forgetting all other shades of snow.

We have long been blinded by such whiteness,

But we will see again from the black strip of earth.

Our throats will release their silence,

Our weakness will melt like a shadow.

And the reward for nights of despair

Will be the eternal polar day.

North, freedom, hope - a country without borders,

Snow without dirt, like a long life without lies.

Crows will not peck out our eyes,

Because crows are not found here.

Those who did not believe in bad prophecies,

Who did not lie down in the snow to rest for a moment,

As a reward for their loneliness

Someone must meet them.

Все года и века и эпохи подряд

Все стремится к теплу от морозов и вьюг.

Почему ж эти птицы на север летят,

Если птицам положено только на юг?

Слава им не нужна и величие.

Вот под крыльями кончится лед,

И найдут они счастие птичее,

Как награду за дерзкий полет.

Что же нам не жилось, что же нам не спалось?

Что нас выгнало в путь по высокой волне?

Нам сиянья пока наблюдать не пришлось.

Это редко бывает - сиянья в цене!

Тишина. Только чайки - как молнии.

Пустотой мы их кормим из рук.

Но наградою нам за безмолвие

Обязательно будет звук.

Как давно снятся нам только белые сны,

Все иные оттенки снега замели.

Мы ослепли давно от такой белизны,

Но прозреем от черной полоски земли.

Наше горло отпустит молчание,

Наша слабость растает, как тень.

И наградой за ночи отчаянья

Будет вечный полярный день.

Север, воля, надежда, - страна без границ,

Снег без грязи, как долгая жизнь без вранья.

Воронье нам не выклюет глаз из глазниц,

Потому что не водится здесь воронья.

Кто не верил в дурные пророчества,

В снег не лег ни на миг отдохнуть,

Тем наградою за одиночество

Должен встретиться кто-нибудь.

Vladimir Vysotsky's song "White Silence" carries a deep philosophical meaning about the search for freedom, truth, and the meaning of life. The lyrical hero of the song travels North, to a "country without borders," where snow and silence reign. This journey is not just a geographical movement, but a metaphor for personal growth, the pursuit of self-discovery, and purification from lies, hypocrisy, and the mundane.

Vysotsky uses the image of birds flying north, defying their natural instincts. This serves as a metaphor for people seeking their own path, distinct from the conventional. They are ready to give up comfort and familiar routines for the sake of achieving inner freedom and spiritual enlightenment.

"White Silence" is not only a description of a northern landscape but also the state of the lyrical hero's soul. He is tired of lies and falsehoods, he seeks truth and finds it in the harsh beauty of the North. The whiteness of the snow symbolizes the purity of thoughts, while the silence represents the opportunity to hear one's inner voice.

The hero's path is not easy. It is filled with trials, loneliness, and despair. But the reward for resilience and faith becomes the "eternal polar day" – a symbol of enlightenment, finding the meaning of life, and inner harmony. The encounter with another person at the end of the song is not just a coincidence, but a natural result of the spiritual journey. The one who was not afraid of loneliness and went through trials is worthy of meeting a like-minded person and sharing the joy of knowing the truth.

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