The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Ballad of the Departure to Paradise" (Ballada ob uhode v ray) the performer of the song "Vladimir Vysotsky"

Here's your ticket, here's your car,

All the best is given to you alone.

To see a dream in a colorful paradise,

A three-hundred-year-old, continuous movie.

Everything is behind, already removed

All fingerprints, no contraband allowed.

You are as sterile as a cherub,

And second class is not first class, but it comes with linen.

This is what the prophecy foretold,

The train departs for heaven - have a safe journey!

Ah, how we all wish, how we all long

Not to die, but simply to fall asleep.

Earthly platform. Don't be sad

And don't shout. He is deaf to our cries.

One of us has gone to paradise,

He will meet God, if there is a God.

He will give Him our regards,

And if he forgets - no big deal, we'll live.

We have a few years left,

We will have some fun and then, as expected, we will die.

This is what the prophecy foretold,

The train departs for heaven - have a safe journey!

Ah, how we all wish, how we all long

Not to die, but simply to fall asleep.

Not everyone is destined to sleep in paradise,

But we still have time to do some things here:

Fight, sing - here I am singing,

Others love, others just think they do.

They will leave, as we will - into nothingness without sleep -

Both sons and grandsons of grandsons, for three centuries.

God forbid there will be war,

Or else we will leave our great-grandchildren in a mess.

This is what the prophecy foretold,

The train departs for heaven - have a safe journey!

Ah, how we all wish, how we all long

Not to die, but simply to fall asleep.

You don't care, you wouldn't even whimper:

You lie there, you lazybones, enjoying eternal bliss.

As for me, I wouldn't pay such a price

Not even for a good bookcase.

Some guy will wake you up

And throw you into a world where wars, pain, and cancer are in the past.

Where the Hong Kong flu has been defeated.

Are you happy with everything handed to you? You fool...

But for now, the bell is ringing.

Have a safe journey! May you be protected from all harm!

And if there really is a God,

Please remember to give Him our regards.

Вот твой билет, вот твой вагон,

Все в лучшем виде одному тебе дано.

В цветном раю увидеть сон,

Трехвековое, непрерывное кино.

Все позади, уже сняты

Все отпечатки, контрабанды не берем.

Как херувим стерилен ты,

А класс второй - не высший класс, зато с бельем.

Вот и сбывается все, что пророчится.

Уходит поезд в небеса - счастливый путь!

Ах, как нам хочется, как всем нам хочется

Не умереть, а именно уснуть.

Земной перрон. Не унывай

И не кричи. Для наших воплей он оглох.

Один из нас уехал в рай,

Он встретит Бога, если есть какой-то Бог.

Он передаст Ему привет,

А позабудет - ничего, переживем.

Осталось нам немного лет,

Мы пошустрим и, как положено, умрем.

Вот и сбывается все, что пророчится.

Уходит поезд в небеса - счастливый путь!

Ах, как нам хочется, как всем нам хочется

Не умереть, а именно уснуть.

Не всем дано поспать в раю,

Но кое-что мы здесь успеем натворить:

Подраться, спеть - вот я пою,

Другие любят, третьи думают любить.

Уйдут, как мы - в ничто без сна -

И сыновья, и внуки внуков в трех веках.

Не дай господь, чтобы война,

А то мы правнуков оставим в дураках.

Вот и сбывается все, что пророчится.

Уходит поезд в небеса - счастливый путь!

Ах, как нам хочется, как всем нам хочется

Не умереть, а именно уснуть.

Тебе плевать, и хоть бы хны:

Лежишь, миляга, принимаешь вечный кайф.

Что до меня, такой цены

Я б не дал даже за хороший книжный шкаф.

Разбудит вас какой-то тип

И пустит в мир, где в прошлом войны, боль и рак.

Где побежден гонконгский грипп.

На всем готовеньком ты счастлив ли? Дурак...

Ну а пока звенит звонок.

Счастливый путь! Храни тебя от всяких бед!

А если там и вправду Бог -

Ты все же вспомни, передай Ему привет.

In "The Ballad of Going to Paradise," Vysotsky uses the allegory of a train carrying a person to paradise to reflect on life, death, and the meaning of existence.

The first part of the ballad sarcastically describes "going to paradise" as a faceless and impersonal process where a person is deprived of individuality ("all fingerprints are removed") and turned into a "sterile cherub." "Second class, but with linen" – a bitter irony emphasizing the illusion of heavenly bliss.

The chorus, repeating throughout the ballad, contrasts with the sarcasm of the verses. The desire "not to die, but to fall asleep" speaks of the fear of the unknown and the longing for peace, which is associated with sleep.

The second part of the ballad shifts the focus to those remaining on the "earthly platform." The lyrical hero urges not to mourn the departed, because "he will meet God, if there is a God." Here Vysotsky touches upon the theme of faith, leaving the question of God's existence open.

The third part of the ballad is devoted to reflecting on life. People who remain on earth continue to live, "fight, sing," love, leaving behind their descendants. The hero expresses hope for a peaceful future for his great-grandchildren, fearing that war will leave them "fools."

The final part of the ballad is addressed to the one who "went to paradise." The lyrical hero does not envy him, believing that "eternal buzz" is too high a price for the loss of the opportunity to live, feel, and fight. He doubts the value of a paradise where there is no place for pain, disease, and war, but there is no main thing – life in all its manifestations. The final lines – a request to say hello to God, if He exists – sound like a bitter grin and at the same time – a manifestation of hope that there is something more beyond the bounds of life.

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