The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Chastushki" (Chastuschki) the performer of the song "Vladimir Vysotsky"

Coochie-coochie-coo, my dears,

My pretty little girls!

Leave me as a keepsake

Twirls inside your curls.

Don't you see that I am cross,

'Cause I'm so in love?

Not a cripple from the war,

But by love I'm drugged.

Come out to your Vanechka,

Mannys, little Mannys!

Why you standing like old hags,

God's own little Dannys?

My sweetheart is a sculptor,

Strong and oh so kind,

He brought me from England

A styrofoam behind.

Fashion's so behind here,

But in Australia

What is trendy this year

Are three-hug waists, ya'll.

I don't know about here,

But in Denmark, say,

Girls are dragged into the registry

On a second date, they say.

I don't know how 'tis with you,

But with us in France,

One can marry ten times over

No registration stance.

Oh, the boat, the boat, the boat,

Lest we crash on shore!

Don't get up so early, love,

Let us cuddle some more!

No needle without an ear,

Olya, Olga, Olechka!

Bring this cripple, dear,

Half a table, or a speck!

On the road, at the crossroads

An old man asked a young girl's hand,

At first we thought he was joking,

Turned out, that was the plan!

My darling drank it all,

To the bottom, till he's drunk

That is why the world's arrived

At a fuel crisis funk.

Do not cry, don't weep, don't whine:

It's a crisis, oil you see,

There's a bigger one to fear -

What if there's no more vodka for me!

I look around, and see a fam,

On a Sunday such as this

Everybody's godparents

And even godchildren, biz.



Вы оставьте мне на память

В сердце загогулинки

Не гляди, что я сердит

По тебе же сохну-то

Я не с фронта инвалид

Я - любовью трекнутый

Выходите к Ванечке


Что стоите, как старушки

Божьи одуванчики!

Милый мой - каменотес

Сильный он да ласковый,

Он мне с Англии привез

Лифчик пенопластовый

Здеся мода отстает

Вот у нас в Австралии

Очень в моде в этот год

В три обхвата талии

Уж не знаю я, как тут

А, к примеру, в Дании

Девок в загсы волокут

При втором свидании

Я не знаю, как у вас

А у нас во Франции

Замуж можно десять раз

Все - без регистрации

Ой, табань, табань, табань

А то в берег врежемся!

Не вставай в такую рань

Давай еще понежимся!

Без ушка - иголочка

Оля, Ольга, Олечка

Поднеси-ка инвалиду

Столько да полстолечка!

На пути, на перепутье

Молодуху сватал дед

Сперва думали, что шутит,

Оказалося, что - нет

Мой миленок все допил

Дочиста и допьяна,

Потому и наступил

В мире кризис топливный

Ты не вой, не ной, не ной:

Это ж кризис - нефтяной

Надо больше опасаться

Что наступит спиртовой!

Гляну я, одна семья

На таком воскреснике

Все друг другу кумовья

Али даже крестники

Vladimir Vysotsky's chastushki (humorous folk verses) titled "Guli-guli-gulenki" use humor and deliberate simplicity to conceal a profound social subtext and critique of Soviet reality.

The Image of the Lyrical Hero:

The ironic image of a "love invalid": On the one hand, it is a mask that allows the hero to be uninhibited, straightforward, even slightly cheeky in his courtship. On the other hand, "disability" hints at emotional fatigue and disillusionment with love.

"Broad Soul": The hero dreams of a simple and passionate love, of "girls-dears," but his ideals clash with reality.

A thirst for freedom and new experiences: He compares Soviet reality with life abroad, where, in his opinion, there is more freedom and opportunity ("Three times around the waist," "You can get married ten times"). Of course, this is a satirical exaggeration, but it reflects the desire for change.

Social Satire:

Criticism of Puritan morality: The verses are full of double entendres and spicy hints, which contrasts with the official Soviet morality.

Exposure of scarcity and backwardness: The "foam rubber bra" from England is a clear mockery of the shortage and low quality of Soviet goods.

Ridiculing bureaucracy: The story of the "second date and registry office" in Denmark is a grotesque depiction of Soviet bureaucracy and the lack of freedom of choice.

The theme of alcoholism: The "fuel crisis" is an allegory for the prevalence of alcoholism in the USSR.

Artistic Features:

The language of chastushki: Simplicity, proximity to folk art, the use of diminutive suffixes.

Humor: From good-natured teasing to sarcasm.

Hyperbole and grotesque: To create a comical effect and enhance the satirical sound.


Vysotsky's chastushki are not just funny couplets, but a subtle social satire, dressed in the form of folk art. The author uses humor to ridicule the vices of Soviet society and express a thirst for freedom and change.

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