The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Little Gypsy Girl" (Cyiganochka) the performer of the song "Vladimir Vysotsky"

A dream, with

yellow lights

and I wheeze in my sleep.

Hold on, hold on,

the morning is wiser.

But even in the morning, it's all wrong,

there's no more joy,

either you smoke on an empty stomach

or you drink with a hangover.

Oh, once, and then again,

and many, many, many more times,

many times, and then again,

many, many more times.

Green curtains in the taverns,

white napkins,

a paradise for beggars and Jews,

while I'm like a bird in a cage.

In the church, there's stench and twilight,

deacons smoking incense,

but even in the church, it's all wrong,

it's not the way it should be.

Oh, once, and then again,

and many, many, many more times,

many times, and then again,

it's not the way it should be.

I'm on the mountain,

in an attempt,

so that nothing happens,

and on the mountain stands an alder tree,

and under the mountain, a cherry tree.

If only the slope,

to cover with plush,

that would be a joy for me.

Ehhh, if only something else,

it's not the way it should be.

Eh, once, and then what,

and then again, and what,

and many, many, many,

many, many more times,

and then again,

it's not the way it should be.

Then I'll go through the field,

along the river,

darkness of light,

there is no God.

And in the clear field, cornflowers,

and a long road.

Along the road, a dense forest,

with Baba Yagas,

and at the end of that road,

a block with axes.

Somewhere horses,

dancing in time,

reluctantly and smoothly.

Along the road,

it's all wrong,

and at the end, long ago.

And not a church,

and not a tavern,

nothing is sacred,

no, guys, it's all wrong,

it's all wrong, guys.

Ehhh, once, and then again,

and many, many,

many, many, many more times,

and then again,

it's all wrong, guys.

Сон мне

желтые огни

и хриплю во сне я.

Повремени Повремени

Утро мудренее.

Но и утром все не так

нет того веселья

или куришь на тощак

или пьёш с похмелья.

да эх раз да еще раз

да еще много много много раз

много раз да еще раз

еще много много раз

в кабаках зеленые шторы

белые салфетки

райдля нищих и жидов

мне ж как птице в клетке

в церкве смрад и полумрак

дьяки курят ладан

нет и в церкви все не так

все не так как надо

да эх раз да еще раз

да еще много много много раз

много раз да еще раз

все не так как надо

я на гору

в попыхах

чтоб чего не вышло

а на горе стоит ольха

а под горою вишня

хоть бы склон

увить плющом

мне б и то отрада

эээх хоть бы что нибудь еще

все не так как надо

эх раз да что

да ещё раз да что

да еще много много много

много много раз

да еще раз

все не так как надо

я тогда по полю

вдоль реки

света тьма

нет бога

а в чистом поле васильки

и дальняя дорога

вдоль дороги лес густой

с бабами Ягами

а в конце дороги той

плаха с топорами

где то кони

пляшут в такт

нехотя и плавно

вдоль дороги

все не так

а в конце подавно

и не церковь

не и кабак

ничего не свято

нет ребята все не так

все не так ребята

эээх разда еще раз

да еще много много

много много много раз

да еще раз

все не так ребята

In Vladimir Vysotsky's song "Tsyganochka" ("Gypsy Girl"), the lyrical hero is in a state of deep existential anguish. He feels a discord with the surrounding world, repeating the phrase "It's all wrong, not the way it should be", which becomes the refrain of the song.

The hero rushes between different states and places, trying to find at least some solace or meaning:

Sleep: even in sleep there is no peace, he is tormented by nightmares ("yellow lights", "I wheeze").

Morning: brings only a hangover and disappointment, instead of the expected fun.

Tavern: a place where the hero seeks oblivion, but it also does not bring satisfaction, being associated with "beggars and Jews".

Church: does not give comfort and spiritual cleansing, there is "stench and twilight," and "deacons smoke incense."

Nature: even in unity with nature, the hero does not find harmony. The images of "alder" and "cherry" are contrasted, personifying the discord in his soul.

Field: a symbol of freedom and hope, but it also holds danger ("darkness," "there is no God," "Baba Yaga," "block with axes").

Ending: pessimistic, the hero sees no way out of his state, all paths lead to a dead end, nothing seems sacred to him.

The repetition of the phrase "many, many more times" emphasizes the feeling of hopelessness and cyclicality, as if the hero is doomed to endlessly repeat his mistakes and suffering.

"Tsyganochka" is a song-lament, a cry of the soul expressing the existential crisis of the individual. It's about the search for the meaning of life, which the hero can't seem to find. Images, metaphors and repetitions create an oppressive atmosphere of hopelessness and longing.

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