The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Tsunami" (Cunami) the performer of the song "Vladimir Vysotsky"

The proverb sounds ornate:

“Don't admire the sky of yesteryear,

Don't return to where paradise once was,

And stop fooling yourself - go where you haven't been.

See what nature does to us there!

It’s hard to reach, even for rumor.

Every person you meet there is like a tsunami!

With storms in their souls and minds.”

You can’t buy peace here for anything,

But you will return, they say,

You will go against the proverb:

You will come to where you met them once.

See what nature does to us here!

It’s hard to reach, even for rumor.

Tsunamis are sometimes born here

And destroy everything in the soul and mind!

The sea is calm, but there is no peace in the world -

The locator searches for a target behind the clouds.

Alarm, if anything,

Or a signal: attention - tsunami!

I’m raising a toast with my friends now!

Tsunami is an indifferent wave.

There are worse troubles than a tsunami

And joys stronger than it!

Пословица звучит витиевато:

Не восхищайся прошлогодним небом,

Не возвращайся — где был рай когда-то,

И брось дурить — иди туда, где не был.Там что творит одна природа с нами!

Туда добраться трудно и молве.

Там каждый встречный — что ему цунами! —

Со штормами в душе и в голове.Покой здесь, правда, ни за что не купишь,

Но ты вернёшься, говорят ребята,

Наперекор пословице поступишь:

Придёшь туда, где встретил их когда-то.Здесь что творит одна природа с нами!

Сюда добраться трудно и молве.

Здесь иногда рождаются цунами

И рушат всё в душе и в голове!На море штиль, но в мире нет покоя —

Локатор ищет цель за облаками.

Тревога, если что-нибудь такое,

Или сигнал: внимание — цунами!Я нынче поднимаю тост с друзьями!

Цунами — равнодушная волна.

Бывают беды пострашней цунами

И радости сильнее, чем она!

Vladimir Vysotsky's song "Tsunami" intertwines the themes of finding one's place in life, facing challenges, and the value of true friendship.

Search and Disillusionment: The lyrics begin with a proverb urging us not to cling to the past but to seek new horizons. The lyrical hero follows this advice, venturing into uncharted territory ("It's hard to get there, even for rumor"). However, reality turns out to be harsh: "Everyone you meet there is like a tsunami to them! - With storms in their souls and minds." Instead of peace and harmony, the hero encounters inner turmoil, both within himself and in those around him.

Friendship as a Value: Despite the disappointment, the hero has a place where he wants to return - his friends ("But you will return, the guys say..."). Friendship becomes the value that helps to survive life's storms. It is with friends, "the guys," that the hero associates hope for understanding and support.

Tsunami as a Metaphor: The image of a tsunami is used in the song as a metaphor for life's challenges. A tsunami is not only a destructive force of nature but also a symbol of the unpredictability of fate, of inner upheavals that can strike suddenly.

Overcoming: The final lines of the song express an important thought: "There are troubles worse than a tsunami, And joys stronger than it!". The hero realizes that there are things in life more terrible and more important than natural disasters. This statement is not a denial of the power of a tsunami, but a recognition that the human spirit is capable of withstanding any challenge, and the true joy of friendship and love can overshadow any adversity.

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