The meaning of the lyrics of the song "She's got it all going on." (U neyo vse svoyo) the performer of the song "Vladimir Vysotsky"

She has her own everything — her underwear and her place,

While I rent a corner from my aunt.

For her — all my free time,

On her — I gaze from the window across the street.

Her window never goes dark every evening,

And yesterday the elevator man told me for half a bottle:

She has two film director acquaintances

And one popular actor from the Taganka Theater.

And while I had a friend in their housing office,

I learned a lot of nuances about her:

Her older brother is a Spartak football player,

And her father is an official at the Ministry of Finance.

I'll say that I always go to football games,

To Spartak — and words of admiration about her brother.

I'll say that I'm friends with the Minister of Finance

And that I myself am an amateur actor at the Moscow Art Theater.

She, she

has geraniums on her windowsill,

She, she

has stained curtains,


I have nothing on my window,

Only dust, only dust

only thick dust on the dressers...

It's nothing,

I'll buy a lottery ticket,

And then

I'll only have to wait a little while.

And although

there is no justice in the world -

From it

I will definitely win a Volga.

У неё

всё своё — и бельё, и жильё,

Ну а я

ангажирую угол у тёти.

Для неё —

всё свободное время моё,

На неё

я гляжу из окна, что напротив.

У неё

каждый вечер не гаснет окно,

И вчера

мне лифтёр рассказал за полбанки:

У неё

два знакомых артиста кино

И один

популярный артист из "Таганки".

И пока

у меня в ихнем ЖЭКе рука,

Про неё

я узнал очень много нюансов:

У неё

старший брат — футболист "Спартака",

А отец —

референт в Министерстве финансов.

Я скажу,

что всегда на футболы хожу,

На "Спартак", —

и слова восхищенья о брате.

Я скажууууу,

что с министром финансов дружу

И что сам

как любитель играю во МХАТе.

У неё, у неё

у неё на окошке — герань,

У неё, у неё

у неё — занавески в разводах,

У меня,

у меня на окне — ни хера,

Только пыль, только пыль

только толстая пыль на комодах...


я куплю лотерейный билет,

И тогда

мне останется ждать и так не долго.

И хотя

справедливости в мире как нет —

По нему

обязательно выиграю "Волгу".

In Vladimir Vysotsky's song "She's Got Everything of Her Own", the protagonist narrates his unrequited love for a woman living across the street. He is poor and lonely, while she is surrounded by attention, success, and prosperity.

The song begins by highlighting the stark contrast between their social standings: "She's got everything of her own - her own lingerie, her own place to stay, While I rent a corner from my auntie." He can only observe her from afar, while her life is filled with events and admirers.

Vysotsky employs hyperbole and irony to depict the protagonist's obsession and the futility of his hopes. He collects gossip about the woman, learns about her family and acquaintances, exaggerating their status ("two film actors she knows and one popular actor from the Taganka Theatre," "her older brother - a Spartak football player, and her father - an official in the Ministry of Finance").

In a fit of desperation, the protagonist concocts a plan to win over his beloved by posing as her equal. He decides to lie about his friendship with the Minister of Finance and about being an actor in the Moscow Art Theatre.

The song's ending is imbued with bitter irony. The protagonist, realizing the absurdity of his situation, pins his hopes on a miracle: "No worries, I'll buy a lottery ticket, And then I'll just have to wait, and not for long... I'm sure to win a Volga." Winning the lottery becomes his only chance for happiness and for bridging the gap that separates him from his beloved.

Thus, "She's Got Everything of Her Own" is a tale of unrequited love, social disparity, and unfulfilled dreams, told with Vysotsky's trademark irony and emotional intensity.

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