The meaning of the lyrics of the song "I had forty last names." (U menya byilo sorok familiy) the performer of the song "Vladimir Vysotsky"

I had forty surnames,

I had seven passports,

Seventy women loved me,

I had two hundred enemies.

But I don't regret it!

No matter how hard I tried,

No matter how hard I aspired -

There was always someone

To pick a fight with.

And even though my path is long and arduous,

And even though I deserve praise -

No one will write an obituary for me

On the last page in the corner.

But I don't regret it!

No matter how hard I aspired,

No matter how hard I tried -

There was always someone

To drink with.

And even though I believed in all things bright -

For example, in our Soviet people -

They won't erect a monument to me in the park

Somewhere near the Peter's Gate.

But I don't regret it!

No matter how hard I tried,

No matter how hard I aspired -

I always got drunk,

I always stumbled and fell.

I write songs about dramas

And about the life of pickpockets -

You won't find my name in advertisements

Of popular pop singers.

But I don't regret it!

No matter how hard I tried,

No matter how hard I aspired -

I always got caught -

And always ended up in jail.

They say everything will fall into place.

Quit drinking?.. It's not meant to be, it seems -

But they still won't mint me

On coins instead of the emblem.

But I don't regret it!

So why should I try?

So why should I aspire?

To understand everything -

You need to get really drunk!

У меня было сорок фамилий,

У меня было семь паспортов,

Меня семьдесят женщин любили,

У меня было двести врагов.

Но я не жалею!

Сколько я ни старался,

Сколько я ни стремился -

Все равно, чтоб подраться,

Кто-нибудь находился.

И хоть путь мой и длинен и долог,

И хоть я заслужил похвалу -

Обо мне не напишут некролог

На последней странице в углу.

Но я не жалею!

Сколько я ни стремился,

Сколько я ни старался, -

Кто-нибудь находился -

И я с ним напивался.

И хотя во во все светлое верил -

Например, в наш советский народ, -

Но не поставят мне памятник в сквере

Где-нибудь у Петровских ворот.

Но я не жалею!

Сколько я ни старался,

Сколько я ни стремился -

Все равно я спивался,

Все равно я катился.

Сочиняю я песни о драмах

И о жизни карманных воров, -

Мое имя не встретишь в рекламах

Популярных эстрадных певцов.

Но я не жалею!

Сколько я ни старался,

Сколько я ни стремился, -

Я всегда попадался -

И все время садился.

Говорят, что на место все станет.

Бросить пить?.. Видно, мне не судьба, -

Но меня все равно не отчеканят

На монетах заместо герба.

Но я не жалею!

Так зачем мне стараться?

Так зачем мне стремиться?

Чтоб во всем разобраться -

Нужно сильно напиться!

In the song "I had forty last names," Vladimir Vysotsky creates the image of a lyrical hero, a man with a turbulent and adventurous life. He doesn't hide his flaws, but rather challenges society by listing them. He had many names, passports, women, enemies, but he "doesn't regret" any of it.

The text is built on the contrast between the external attributes of the hero's success (the love of women, fights, songs about thieves) and his inner feeling of being unclaimed. He doesn't expect official recognition, ironically noting that "they won't write an obituary" about him and "won't erect a monument" in his honor.

Vysotsky's hero lives life to the fullest, not afraid to take risks and break the rules. Alcohol becomes a way for him to escape reality, to drown out pain and disappointment. Despite the tragic undertones, there is no despair in the song, but rather a challenge and contempt for hypocrisy. The hero accepts his fate as it is, finding solace in his own freedom and independence from the opinions of others. He chooses to embrace his path, even if it leads to self-destruction, finding solace in his own truth and defiance.

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