The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Of domestic and predatory animals" (U domaschnih i hischnyih zverey) the performer of the song "Vladimir Vysotsky"

Both pets and beasts of prey

Have a human taste and smell.

And to walk on two legs a whole century long -

That is the sad fate of men.

The audience, the audience today

No longer wishes to see tamers.

And if you want to tame -

Work in investigations, there is grace!

Few decent people

Have a human taste and smell,

And to walk on two legs every day -

That is the sad fate of beasts.

The inhabitants, the inhabitants today

No longer wish to see tamers.

And if you want to tame -

Work in the circus, there is grace!

У домашних и хищных зверей

Есть человечий вкус и запах.

А целый век ходить на задних лапах -

Это грустная участь людей.

Сегодня зрители, сегодня зрители

Не желают больше видеть укротителей.

А если хочется поукрощать -

Работай в розыске,- там благодать!

У немногих приличных людей

Есть человеческий вкус и запах,

А каждый день ходить на задних лапах -

Это грустная участь зверей.

Сегодня жители, сегодня жители

Не желают больше видеть укротителей.

А если хочется поукрощать -

Работай в цирке,- там благодать!

The poem "Domestic and Wild Animals" by Vladimir Vysotsky explores the complex relationship between humans and nature, freedom and captivity, genuine and superficial values.

An Inverted World:

From the outset, the author employs the technique of inversion, "flipping" the conventional view of the world. Human qualities – "taste and smell" – are attributed to animals, while the animalistic trait of "walking on hind legs" becomes the fate of humans. This compels us to question who is truly closer to nature, to their authentic selves, and who is forced to play an unnatural role.

Taming as a Form of Violence:

The motif of taming permeates the entire poem. The line "today the audience… no longer wishes to see tamers" can be interpreted in two ways. On one hand, it alludes to the circus, where spectators have grown tired of traditional acts. On the other hand, it serves as a metaphor for society, weary of violence, suppression, and the desire to subjugate everything, including nature and fellow human beings.

Alternatives to Force:

Vysotsky offers an alternative to "taming" – "work in investigation" (in the original version) or "work in the circus" (in a later version). This motif also allows for a dual interpretation. "Investigation" can be understood as a search for mutual understanding, harmony between humans and nature, while "circus" represents a space for creativity, where "taming" transforms into a partnership based on respect and trust.

Evolution of Text and Meaning:

It's noteworthy that in later versions of the poem, the distinction between "domestic" and "wild" animals disappears, and "work in investigation" is replaced by "work in the circus." Perhaps the author arrived at the idea that it's not about species but about the very approach to another being, whether animal or human. And it is the circus, devoid of cruelty and exploitation, that can symbolize this new, harmonious interaction.

Multifaceted and Timely:

Vladimir Vysotsky's poem is striking in its multilayered nature and timeliness. It compels us to contemplate the place of humans in the world, their relationship with nature, the boundary between freedom and violence. Even today, in the era of global ecological challenges and social conflicts, these questions resonate with particular urgency.

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