The meaning of the lyrics of the song ""We have from yesterday and the day before..." It's difficult to give you a perfect translation without more context. The phrase is incomplete. What do you have from yesterday and the day before? For exampl" (U nas vchera s pozavchera) the performer of the song "Vladimir Vysotsky"

Yesterday and the day before,

Our game went smooth and slow,

With trumps enough for everyone, you see.

We’d play a while, then call it a draw,

Each keeping what they had before,

And start anew, all happily.

But then they came, these strangers bold,

With a cheery "Greetings!" they did say.

Uninvited, yet they strolled right in.

Four suits our playing deck did hold,

They grabbed the aces right away,

The kings and queens, they aimed to win.

From morning on, our luck turned sour,

Their game, a constant, winning streak.

"Don't interfere! And shut the door!"

We're fleeced and flustered by the hour,

While they, with glee, their triumphs speak.

For trumps, alas, are what they score.

An uneven game, it's clear to see,

These sharks, they've got us on the run.

The cards fall kindly in their hands.

They grin, their teeth for all to see,

Eager to finish what they've begun,

And split the spoils as victory demands.

Their time is short, their triumph vain,

The game is far from over yet!

Too bad the moon's not shining bright.

We're stumbling now, with might and main,

Though fortune's turned her back, we'll set

Things right, and win by our own light.

For though they came, a bragging crowd,

Unbidden guests, with smiles so sly,

Four suits our playing deck may hold,

The aces high, the trumps endowed,

The kings and queens, they'll all be nigh,

And victory will be ours to hold.

У нас вчера с позавчера

шла спокойная игра -

Козырей в колоде каждому хватало,

И сходились мы на том,

что, оставшись при своем,

Расходились, а потом - давай сначала!

Но вот явились к нам они - сказали: "Здрасьте!".

Мы их не ждали, а они уже пришли...

А в колоде как-никак - четыре масти, -

Они давай хватать тузы и короли!

И пошла у нас с утра

неудачная игра, -

Не мешайте и не хлопайте дверями!

И шерстят они нас в пух -

им успех, а нам испуг, -

Но тузы - они ведь бьются козырями!

Но вот явились к нам они - сказали: "Здрасьте!".

Мы их не ждали, а они уже пришли...

А в колоде козырей - четыре масти, -

Они давай хватать тузы и короли!

Шла неравная игра -

одолели шулера, -

Карта прет им, ну а нам - пойду покличу!

Зубы щелкают у них -

видно, каждый хочет вмиг

Кончить дело - и начать делить добычу.

Но вот явились к нам они - сказали: "Здрасьте!".

Мы их не ждали, а они уже пришли...

А в колоде козырей - четыре масти, -

Они давай хватать тузы и короли!

Только зря они шустры -

не сейчас конец игры!

Жаль, что вечер на дворе такой безлунный!.

Мы плетемся наугад,

нам фортуна кажет зад, -

Но ничего - мы рассчитаемся с фортуной!

Но вот явились к нам они - сказали: "Здрасьте!".

Мы их не ждали, а они уже пришли...

А в колоде козырей - четыре масти, -

И нам достанутся тузы и короли!

Vladimir Vysotsky's song "Yesterday and the Day Before" depicts a confrontation between two groups of people, metaphorically portrayed as a card game.

The Beginning: The author describes an idyllic state - a calm, measured life, where everyone had equal opportunities ("enough trumps for everyone"). People respected each other's boundaries ("remaining true to ourselves") and easily found common ground ("we'd part ways, then start anew").

The Arrival of "Them": This idyll is shattered by the arrival of a force, designated by the pronoun "they." "They" intrude uninvited, disrupt the established order, and claim the right to everything valuable ("aces and kings"). The world, where all suits were equal, turns into an arena of struggle for power.

An Unequal Struggle: "We" find ourselves at a disadvantage. "They" play unfairly ("cheaters"), fortune is on their side, and victory seems inevitable. "We" experience fear ("they're tearing us to shreds"), confusion, but we do not lose hope for justice.

Hope and Faith in the Future: Despite the difficulties, "we" do not give up. The ending of the song sounds optimistic. "We" believe that luck is fickle and "fortune" will turn away from "them." "We" are determined and ready to fight to the end to restore justice and take our rightful place ("the aces and kings will be ours").

The Main Meaning: The song is a metaphor for the struggle of good against evil, justice against injustice, freedom against tyranny. It's about the importance of not giving up in the face of adversity, believing in yourself, and fighting for your ideals, even when it seems like there's no chance of winning.

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