The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Morning exercises" (Utrennyaya gimnastika) the performer of the song "Vladimir Vysotsky"

Deep breath in, arms out wide,

Don't rush it - three-four! -

Cheerful spirit, grace and form!

General strengthening,

Morning sobering,

If you're still alive - gymnastics!

If you're in your apartment, -

Lie on the floor - three-four! -

Perform the movements correctly!

Away with outside influence -

Get used to novelty, -

Deep breath until exhaustion!

The flu virus has grown greatly

Throughout the whole world - three-four! -

The disease is spreading and growing.

If you're weak - straight to the grave!

To maintain your health -

Practice, people, rubdowns!

If you're already tired -

Sat down-stood up, sat down-stood up, -

The Arctic and Antarctic don't scare us!

The leading academic Ioffe

Has proven: cognac and coffee

Will replace sports prophylaxis for you.

No need for talking -

Squat until you drop,

And don't be gloomy and sullen!

If you're feeling restless -

Rub yourself with whatever you can find,

Engage in water procedures!

Bad news doesn't scare us -

We respond by running in place, -

Even a beginner wins.

Beauty - among those running

There are no first or last -

Running in place is universally reconciling!

Вдох глубокий, руки шире,

Не спешите - три-четыре! -

Бодрость духа, грация и пластика!


Утром отрезвляющая,

Если жив пока еще, - гимнастика!

Если вы в своей квартире, -

Лягте на пол - три-четыре! -

Выполняйте правильно движения!

Прочь влияние извне -

Привыкайте к новизне, -

Вдох глубокий до изнеможения!

Очень вырос в целом мире

Гриппа вирус - три-четыре! -

Ширится, растет заболевание.

Если хилый - сразу в гроб!

Сохранить здоровье чтоб -

Применяйте, люди, обтирание!

Если вы уже устали -

Сели-встали, сели-встали, -

Не страшны нам Арктика с Антарктикой!

Главный академик Иоффе

Доказал: коньяк и кофе

Вам заменят спорта профилактика.

Разговаривать не надо -

Приседайте до упада,

Да не будьте мрачными и хмурыми!

Если вам совсем неймется -

Обтирайтесь чем придется,

Водными займитесь процедурами!

Не страшны дурные вести -

Мы в ответ бежим на месте, -

В выигрыше даже начинающий.

Красота - среди бегущих

Первых нет и отстающих, -

Бег на месте общепримиряющий!

In the poem "Morning Gymnastics," Vladimir Vysotsky uses satire and irony to describe the typical attitude of a Soviet person towards sports and a healthy lifestyle. Using the form of a cheerful, rhythmic chant, the author ridicules the formalism and hypocrisy that permeated the propaganda of a healthy lifestyle at that time.

In the first stanzas, Vysotsky imitates the cheerful tone of a physical education instructor, calling for "cheerfulness of spirit" and "grace." However, even here a share of irony slips through: gymnastics is needed "if you are still alive," as if its very implementation is a heroic deed.

Further, the satire intensifies. The advice to "lie on the floor" and "perform the movements correctly" sounds mocking against the backdrop of absurd recommendations like "deep breath to exhaustion." The author makes fun of stereotypical ideas about the benefits of any, even the most senseless, physical exercises.

The third stanza addresses the topic of fear of diseases, in particular, the flu. Vysotsky exaggerates the danger, stating that "the weak - immediately to the grave," but immediately offers a simple but dubious solution - rubbing. This technique demonstrates the discrepancy between the exaggerated problem and its primitive "solution."

The culmination of irony is the advice of Academician Ioffe, who allegedly proposes to replace sports with "cognac and coffee." Of course, this is the author's invention, but it accurately reflects the tendency of people to look for easy ways and excuses for their unwillingness to lead a healthy lifestyle.

In the final stanzas, Vysotsky ridicules the massiveness and ostentatiousness of sporting events. Running in place is presented as a panacea that reconciles everyone, regardless of physical fitness.

Thus, "Morning Gymnastics" is not just a funny poem, but a sharp satire of hypocrisy, formalism, and the desire for simple solutions that were characteristic of the Soviet era.

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