The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Che-chet-ka" the performer of the song "Vladimir Vysotsky"

Everything trivial,

And all that's banal,

What's equal and straight

Proportionally made -

All of this is twisted

By tap dance, afflicted,

Our nerves it does twitch:

Even-odd, even-odd!

Into clogged-up ears

It bursts in so clearly,

Into drowsy souls -

The dashing tap dance.

In a tap dance sprint,

We don't take those who are full, no!

Even-odd, even-odd -

Rhythms break down!

Break! Drum, bam-bam, the rattle -

Where it's meant to be - there's tap dance.

No flaws are encountered, the tempo tears and cuts



Burns our soles, the ceiling trembles!



Hey, who's threatening me?

Hey, who's contradicting me?

In a slowed-down rhythm

Muttering something?!

Now it will stop,

It will be crippled

By the rhythmic dance -

Even-odd, even-odd!

Blood is driven through the veins

Not by strong vodka -

Everyone's been bewitched

By the wild tap dance.

Be quiet, guitar -

Goosebumps, so eerie!

On even - two beats, -

And how the even one doesn't joke!

Break! Drum, bam-bam, the rattle -

Where it's meant to be - there's tap dance.

No flaws are encountered, the tempo tears and cuts



Burns our soles, the ceiling trembles!



Save yourselves, those who can!

And whoever's left barefoot -

Take comfort, your hour

Has been lived in the right rhythm!

Under the break, man,

Shoulders will straighten,

And sleep will be provided -

Even-odd, even-odd!

Your posture will change,

Your walk, your stride -

For you too, old man,

Tap dance is useful!

We won't vote against quadrille -

But in defiance of the grave

We'll dance the tap dance!

Break! Drum, bam-bam, the rattle -

Where it's meant to be - there's tap dance.

No flaws are encountered, the tempo tears and cuts



Burns our soles, the ceiling trembles!



Все, что тривиально,

И все, что банально,

Что равно- и прямо


Все это корежит

Чечетка, калечит,

Нам нервы тревожит:

Чет-нечет, чет-нечет!

В забитые уши

Врывается четко,

В сонливые души -

Лихая чечетка.

В чечеточный спринт

Не берем тех, кто сыт, мы!

Чет-нечет, чет-нечет -

Ломаются ритмы!

Брэк! Барабан, тамтам, трещотка,-

Где полагается - там чечетка.

Брак не встречается, темп рвет и мечет



Жжет нам подошвы, потолок трепещет!



Эй, кто там грозит мне?

Эй, кто мне перечит?

В замедленном ритме

О чем-то лепечет?!

Сейчас перестанет,-

Его изувечит

Ритмический танец,-

Чет-нечет, чет-нечет!

Кровь гонит по жилам

Не крепкая водка -

Всех заворожила

Шальная чечетка.

Замолкни, гитара,-

Мурашки до жути!

На чет - два удара,-

И чем чет не шутит!

Брэк! Барабан, тамтам, трещотка,-

Где полагается - там чечетка.

Брак не встречается, темп рвет и мечет



Жжет нам подошвы, потолок трепещет!



Спасайся, кто может!

А кто обезножит -

Утешься,- твой час

В ритме правильном прожит!

Под брэк, человече,

Расправятся плечи,

И сон обеспечит -

Чет-нечет, чет-нечет!

Изменится ваша

Осанка, походка,-

Вам тоже, папаша,

Полезна чечетка!

Не против кадрили

Мы проголосуем -

Но в пику могиле

Чечетку станцуем!

Брэк! Барабан, тамтам, трещотка,-

Где полагается - там чечетка.

Брак не встречается, темп рвет и мечет



Жжет нам подошвы, потолок трепещет!



In his song "Che-chet-ka" (Tap Dance), Vladimir Vysotsky uses the image of tap dancing as a metaphor for the struggle against routine, mediocrity, and stagnation.

"All that is trivial... tap dance warps, cripples" - tap dance is contrasted with dullness and banality. Its rhythm, its energy destroys the habitual, the static, "equally and directly proportional."

Tap dance in the song is a challenge, a rebellion against stagnation. It "bursts" into "clogged ears" and "sleepy souls", awakening from hibernation. Vysotsky praises dynamism, passion, rhythm, which oppose stagnation and apathy.

The image of "defect" in tap dancing emphasizes intolerance for falsehood and insincerity. The rhythm of tap dance is merciless: "No defects are found, the tempo tears and cuts."

In the finale of the song, Vysotsky calls everyone to movement, to fight against routine. Tap dance becomes a symbol of life, full of energy and passion, opposing the "peak of the grave."

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