The meaning of the lyrics of the song "We need to go." (Nado uyti) the performer of the song "Vladimir Vysotsky"

It's so smoky, there's no reflection in the mirror

And I can't even see the face across from me.

The couples have grown tired of swirling,

But still, I'll finish my song to the end!

All the right notes have long been


The wine has burned out, gone cold

In the glass.

The momentary urge to speak

Has vanished,

And it's better for me to finish

The glass in silence...

For half a year, the sun hasn't graced us with its warmth,

And souls have frozen beneath a crust of ice.

It seems I wait for the thaw in vain,

And memories can't bring warmth in this cold.

All the right notes have long been


The wine has burned out, gone cold

In the glass.

The momentary urge to speak

Has vanished,

And it's better for me to finish

The glass in silence...

The orchestra plays on, tired, stumbling,

The circle is closing - I mustn't break the ring...

Peace! It's better for me to leave with a smile,

But still, I'll finish my song to the end!

All the right notes have long been


The wine has burned out, gone cold

In the glass.

The grin of the mirrors grows dimmer, indifferent...

And it's better for me to simply smash

The glass!

Так дымно, что в зеркале нет отраженья

И даже напротив не видно лица

И пары успели устать от круженья,

И все-таки я допою до конца!

Все нужные ноты давно


Сгорело, погасло вино

В бокале

Минутный порыв говорить


И лучше мне молча допить


Полгода не балует солнцем погода

И души застыли под коркою льда,

И, видно, напрасно я жду ледохода

И память не может согреть в холода

Все нужные ноты давно


Сгорело, погасло вино

В бокале

Минутный порыв говорить


И лучше мне молча допить


В оркестре играют устало, сбиваясь

Смыкается круг - не порвать мне кольца...

Спокойно! Мне лучше уйти улыбаясь,

И все-таки я допою до конца!

Все нужные ноты давно


Сгорело, погасло вино

В бокале

Тусклей, равнодушней оскал


И лучше мне просто разбить


In Vladimir Vysotsky's song "I Must Leave", the lyrical hero finds himself in a state of deep emotional emptiness. The atmosphere around him is saturated with hopelessness and melancholy: "It's so smoky, there's no reflection in the mirror," "the couples have grown tired of whirling." The celebration of life has ended, leaving behind only the ashes of burned-out emotions: "The wine in the glass has burned out and gone out."

The hero realizes the futility of staying any longer in this place where "souls have frozen under a crust of ice" and "memory cannot warm in the cold." He understands that "the necessary notes have long been played" and "the momentary impulse to speak has vanished."

However, despite his fatigue and desire to leave ("Calmly! It's better for me to leave smiling"), the hero is determined to maintain his dignity and "sing to the end." He contrasts himself with the "tiredly playing orchestra" and the "indifferent grin of the mirrors," deciding to break the vicious circle ("The circle is closing - I must not break the ring... And it's better for me to just break the glass!").

The image of the broken glass symbolizes a final break with the past, the hero's readiness for change, even if it will be painful. Despite the song's gloomy atmosphere, the finale hints at hope for liberation and a new life.

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