The meaning of the lyrics of the song "They don't buy any food." (Ne pokupayut nikakoy edyi) the performer of the song "Vladimir Vysotsky"

They buy no food,

Forced to save every dime.

Cholera mows down the ranks,

But people close in again, time after time.

The Caucasus is closed, Aeroflot's "on fire,"

In Astrakhan, they burn the watermelons with might.

But the worker won't leave his machine, no, never tire,

And the bonds of health grow stronger, day and night.

The whole country suffers losses, it's true,

But faith remains, on faith all is built.

A people's war declared, it's brand new,

Against one miserable, pitiful wilt.

The people have taken up the labor call,

To battle this newly appeared blight.

But no pasaran! Cholera shall fall!

Cholera - no! That's it! And end the fight!

It shall not pass - it simply wouldn't dare

To break through thousands of picket lines.

I met it, pale as death, beyond compare,

And frail, like thousands of skeletal designs.

I'm certain: cholera will soon decay.

So fire a volley from a thousand guns!

Forward! Only choleric souls may sway,

Those ill-tempered, unrestrained ones.

Forward! Only choleric souls may sway,

Those ill-tempered, unrestrained ones.

Не покупают никакой еды

Все экономят вынужденно деньги

Холера косит стройные ряды

Но люди вновь смыкаются в шеренги

Закрыт Кавказ, "горит" Аэрофлот

И в Астрахани лихо жгут арбузы

Но от станка рабочий не уйдёт

И крепнут, как всегда, здоровья узы

Убытки терпит целая страна

Но вера есть, всё зиждется на вере

Объявлена народная война

Одной несчастной, бедненькой холере

На трудовую вахту встал народ

В честь битвы с новоявленною порчей

Но пасаран! Холера не пройдёт!

Холере — нет! И всё! И бал окончен!

Ей не пройти - ей просто не посметь

Проникнуть через тысячи пикетов

Ее я встретил, бледную, как смерть

И хилую, как тысяча скелетов

Уверен я: холере скоро тлеть

А ну-ка — залп из тысячи орудий!

Вперёд! Холерой могут заболеть

Холерики — несдержанные люди

Вперёд! Холерой могут заболеть

Холерики — несдержанные люди

Vladimir Vysotsky's song "They Don't Buy Any Food" employs satire to critique Soviet reality. The author ironically depicts the fight against a cholera epidemic, transforming it into a pompous campaign with militaristic rhetoric that masks real problems: food shortages, economic hardship, and restricted freedoms ("The Caucasus is closed," "Aeroflot is 'burning'").

Vysotsky mocks official propaganda, which attempts to conceal the true state of affairs and present everything in a heroic light. The "people's war" against cholera is an allegory for the struggle against the system's failures and shortcomings.

Despite the irony, a glimmer of hope shines through the song: "there is faith," "the bonds of health are strengthened." The image of a frail cholera confronted by the might of the people speaks to the belief in the people's ability to overcome difficulties, even at great cost.

The final call to "Forward!" is addressed to "choleric" individuals – impulsive, passionate people who are capable of decisive action and unafraid to confront challenges.

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