The meaning of the lyrics of the song "She was right about everything." (Ona byila vo vsem prava) the performer of the song "Vladimir Vysotsky"

And there were black eyes,

And there were blue hands.

And there were black eyes

Empty deserts.

Deserted courtyard of cruel years,

Wasteland, lamp post and street.

And the alleyway, like a skeleton,

And the house squints with its entrance.

And the music of her footsteps

Clashed with the gateway,

And the music of her footsteps -

A love potion pill.

And the moon became a nickel,

Friend of the crescent,

When she left afterwards,

And he decided to hang himself.

And the night thundered with blackmail,

Flavored with a smile.

And the night thundered with blackmail,

And poisoned with emptiness.

And the grass fell with flattery,

And rose with revenge.

And from all his bravado

Only a pimple remained.

The season passed, another passed -

And again snow on the pavement.

The season passed, another passed -

A bell rings with a droplet.

And a blizzard outside the window,

And a lamp - a yellow melon.

And he kept singing, singing, singing,

Punished by pride.

Punished by his own stinginess,

Tired of making excuses.

Punished by his own stinginess

And fear of the truth.

Tired of considering a smile evil,

And kindness-embarrassment.

Tired of considering himself a scapegoat

Of any forgiveness.

Twelve is falling.

It's time! The road into darkness is striding.

Twelve is falling. It's time!

Forget me, bright-eyed!

И были черные глаза,

И были руки синие.

И были черные глаза

Пустынными пустынями.

Пустынный двор жестоких лет,

Пустырь, фонарь и улица.

И переулок, как скелет,

И дом подъездом жмурится.

И музыка ее шагов

Схлестнулась с подворотнею,

И музыка ее шагов -

Таблеткой приворотною.

И стала пятаком луна,

Подруга полумесяца,

Когда потом ушла она,

А он решил повеситься.

И шантажом гремела ночь,

Улыбочкой приправленным.

И шантажом гремела ночь,

И пустырем отравленным.

И лестью падала трава,

И местью встала выросшей.

И ото всех его бравад

Остался лишь пупырышек.

Сезон прошел, прошел другой -

И снова снег на паперти.

Сезон прошел, прошел другой -

Звенит бубенчик капелькой.

И заоконная метель,

И лампа - желтой дынею.

А он все пел, все пел, все пел,

Наказанный гордынею.

Наказан скупостью своей,

Устал себя оправдывать.

Наказан скупостью своей

И страхом перед правдою.

Устал считать улыбку злом,

А доброту-смущением.

Устал считать себя козлом

Любого отпущения.

Двенадцать падает.

Пора! Дорога в темень шастает.

Двенадцать падает.Пора!

Забудь меня, глазастого!

The song "She Was Right About Everything" by Vladimir Vysotsky tells the story of a tragic love, where a man, bound by his fears and vices, misses out on true love and is left alone with his pain and regret.

The image of the heroine is shrouded in mystery and tragedy. "Black eyes, like deserted deserts" is a metaphor that conveys the depth of her feelings, perhaps the trials that befell her. She appears in his life like a glimmer of light in the "deserted courtyard of cruel years," her "music of footsteps" sounds to him like a "love potion."

The lyrical hero, on the contrary, is incapable of sincerity and openness. He is constrained by fears ("the house squints with its entrance"), closed in on himself ("wasteland, lamppost, and street"). His inner world is an "alleyway like a skeleton," reflecting spiritual desolation.

Meeting the heroine becomes a chance for him to change, but he misses it. She leaves, leaving him alone with himself. The motif of the "moon-nickel" and the "friend-crescent" emphasizes the incomprehensibility of the heroine, her remoteness. The man's decision to "hang himself" is more a metaphor for mental breakdown than a real action.

Further, the song reveals the reasons for what happened. "The night thundered with blackmail" - these are the reproaches of conscience, the realization of one's own mistakes. His "bravado" turns out to be just a "pimple" compared to the depth of his losses. "One season passed, another passed" - time goes by, but the pain does not subside.

He remains "punished by pride," unable to admit his guilt. "Stinginess" in the context of the song is not only greed, but also emotional stinginess, the inability to love. The fear of the truth prevents him from moving on. He is locked in a circle of his fears and complexes ("tired of considering himself a scapegoat").

The ending of the song is tragic. "Twelve is falling. It's time!" - time is lost, the way back is closed. "Forget me, bright-eyed!" - this is more of an appeal to himself, an attempt to get rid of painful memories.

The song "She Was Right About Everything" is a warning about how important it is to value true feelings, not be afraid to open up to love, and take responsibility for your actions.

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