The meaning of the lyrics of the song "He was a surgeon, even a neurosurgeon." (On byil hirurgom, daje neyro) the performer of the song "Vladimir Vysotsky"
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In his song "The Tin Soldiers," Vladimir Vysotsky tackles the theme of war, but not the bloody battles of reality, but rather childhood games of war with tin soldiers. This allegory allows the poet to examine the absurdity of war, its senselessness and cruelty, especially highlighting the tragic paradox there are no winners in war
The meaning of Vladimir Vysotsky's song "Oh, Where Was I Yesterday" lies in the ironic depiction of the aftermath of a wild, probably alcoholic, party. The lyrical hero, waking up with a hangover, does not remember the events of the previous day but tries to reconstruct the picture of what happened from snatches of phrases and the reactions of others
The poem "Chained Drivers" by Vladimir Vysotsky explores the theme of moral choice under total lack of freedom. The lyrical hero, addressing "us" - most likely like-minded people, contemporaries who find themselves in a similar situation, speaks about life under the yoke of a system that deprives a person of the right to choose and have his own voice
In Vladimir Vysotsky's poem "A Musician Explained to Me at Length," the author reflects on the "eternity" and enduring value of the guitar as a musical instrument, despite the emergence of new, electronic instruments.The musician, who is the lyrical hero's interlocutor, claims that the guitar's time has passed, that it is being replaced by electric organs, electric pianos, and even compares it to a crude tool - an electric saw
In the poem "On Fatal Dates and Numbers," Vladimir Vysotsky ironically reflects on the phenomenon of the early death of poets and their connection to certain numbers. He lists well-known examples 26 years - the age of Lermontov's suicide, 33 years - the age of Christ's crucifixion, 37 years - the age of Pushkin's death in a duel
The song "About the Transmigration of Souls" by Vladimir Vysotsky uses irony and sarcasm to play with the idea of reincarnation, borrowed from Hinduism. The author, listing various religions and beliefs, leads the listener to the idea that it is the Hindu concept of the transmigration of the soul that seems most attractive to him