The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Eaglet Ed" (Orlyonok Ed) the performer of the song "Vladimir Vysotsky"

"There are no such names, you see,

Some nonsense – Eaglet Ed…"

For brevity, simplicity,

Please use the informal "you" instead.

Call me Ed, it's like Eddie, see?

Ed – it's simply in names' stead:

Edgar, Edward, Edmond

(And Adelaide).

But Ed's no abbreviation,

Oh no! – it's not simplification,

But Ed, I beg your kind relation,

Is more a generalization

For ease of communication –

And nothing more, no deviation.

«Таких имен в помине нет,

Какой-то бред — орленок Эд…" —

Я слышал это, джентльмены, леди!

Для быстроты, для простоты

Прошу со мною быть на «ты» —

Зовите Эдом, это вроде Эдди.

Эд — это просто вместо имен:

Эд-гар, Эд-вард, Эд-монд


Но Эд — не сокращение

О нет!- не упрощение,

А Эд, прошу прощения,

Скорее обобщение

Для легкости общения —

Ни более, ни менее.

In Vladimir Vysotsky's poem "Eaglet Ed," we encounter a lyrical hero addressing the audience with a request to call him Ed. At first glance, it might seem that this name is simply a shortened version of longer and more common names like Edgar, Edward, or Edmond.

However, the poet immediately refutes this idea, emphasizing that Ed is not just a simplification, but something much more significant. "Ed" in this case acts as a symbol of generalization, uniting a multitude of names and personalities. It is a manifestation of the hero's desire to overcome the boundaries of individuality and establish a more direct and trusting contact with others.

The choice of "eagle" as an image is also not accidental. The eagle is a symbol of freedom, strength, and striving upward. By calling himself "Eaglet," the hero emphasizes his youth, energy, and desire to soar above the ordinary. He seems to invite his listeners to abandon conventions, to become closer to each other, like birds in the sky.

Thus, "Eaglet Ed" is not just a poem about choosing a name. It is a reflection on the essence of human communication, on the search for understanding and unity. It is a call for freedom and openness, to overcome the barriers between people and rise above the grayness of everyday life.

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