The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Before traveling abroad..." (Pered vyiezdom v zagranku...) the performer of the song "Vladimir Vysotsky"

You fill out a bunch of forms -

That's not the problem yet -

But as a part of delegations

A plainclothes person travels with you -

Just all the time.

And a month before the trip

You even get instructions -

How to spend your days there:

To minimize the scandals,

And otherworldly connections

So that - no-no-no!

...The plainclothes person - a red-haired guy -

Introduced himself to me in Paris:

"We will live with you, I am - Nikodim.

I lifted weights, lived in Bobruisk,

My dad is Russian, I am Russian,

Never even been convicted."

Executive to a rare degree,

He kept his secrecy

And tried to help me in everything:

Now, in the line of duty,

He cherished my friendship

Just day and night.

On an excursion to Rome

I decided - without Nikodim:

He wrote all night - and then fell asleep, -

But the plainclothes person, it turned out,

Used to be into boxing -

So - I didn't risk it.

He had breakfast with me, had lunch with me,

And everywhere - followed me, -

As if he had nothing else to do.

Once, for the sake of order,

I looked into his notebook -

Just went nuts!

He wrote - such a bitch! -

That in Paris, I attacked the mayor

With my fists,

That I am unrestrained towards women

And susceptible to influences

As if from the West...

So, a person can even

Suspect you of espionage!..

Just think - what then?

It means - I won't see

Neither Rome nor Paris

Ever again!..

Перед выездом в загранку

Заполняешь кучу бланков -

Это еще не беда, -

Но в составе делегаций

С вами едет личность в штатском -

Просто завсегда.

А за месяц до вояжа

Инструктаж проходишь даже -

Как там проводить все дни:

Чтоб поменьше безобразий,

А потусторонних связей

Чтобы - ни-ни-ни!

...Личность в штатском - парень рыжий -

Мне представился в Париже:

"Будем с вами жить, я - Никодим.

Вел нагрузки, жил в Бобруйске,

Папа - русский, сам я - русский,

Даже не судим".

Исполнительный на редкость,

Соблюдал свою секретность

И во всем старался мне помочь:

Он теперь по роду службы

Дорожил моею дружбой

Просто день и ночь.

На экскурсию по Риму

Я решил - без Никодиму:

Он всю ночь писал - и вот уснул, -

Но личность в штатском, оказалось,

Раньше боксом увлекалась -

Так что - не рискнул.

Со мной он завтракал, обедал,

И везде - за мною следом, -

Будто у него нет дел.

Я однажды для порядку

Заглянул в его тетрадку -

Просто обалдел!

Он писал - такая стерьва! -

Что в Париже я на мэра

С кулаками нападал,

Что я к женщинам несдержан

И влияниям подвержен

Будто Запада...

Значит, личность может даже

Заподозрить в шпионаже!..

Вы прикиньте - что тогда?

Это значит - не увижу

Я ни Риму, ни Парижу

Больше никогда!..

Vladimir Vysotsky's song "Before Leaving Abroad" ironically depicts the experience of a Soviet citizen traveling abroad for the first time. In those days, every traveler was under constant surveillance by the KGB.

The protagonist of the song encounters an inevitable attribute of such trips - a "plainclothes man", who, under the guise of a tourist, is assigned to him for surveillance. Vysotsky sarcastically describes the absurdity of the situation: the traveler is limited in freedom, his every step is controlled, even if he simply wants to visit the sights.

The image of "Nikodem" is a collective image of a KGB officer. He diligently pretends to be an ordinary tourist, but his behavior betrays his true nature. He is too executive, too caring, too eager to "be friends".

The culmination of the song is the moment when the hero looks into "Nikodem's" notebook and learns that he is writing denunciations against him. It turns out that even the most innocent actions of the hero are interpreted as manifestations of "unreliability."

The song ridicules the atmosphere of suspicion and fear that reigned in Soviet society. It shows that even in moments of seemingly joy and celebration – during a trip abroad – a Soviet person could not feel free from total control.

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