The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Scapegoat Song" (Pesnya pro kozla otpuscheniya) the performer of the song "Vladimir Vysotsky"

In a wildlife sanctuary (can't remember which one)

There lived a Goat - long-horned and mild -

Though he lived with wolves, he didn't howl like them,

He bleated songs, goat-like and wild.

He grazed on grass, he grew quite plump,

Not a harsh word escaped his lips,

His use was like milk from a billy-goat's hump,

But he caused no trouble, not even in sips.

He lived in the pasture, near the lake's sheen,

Not intruding on another's domain,

But they noticed the modest Goat, so keen,

And chose him as the scapegoat, to their shame.

For example, the Bear - a rogue and a cheat -

Would insult someone, bear-like and rude,

They'd find the Goat, bring him in for a beat,

On his horns and between, as they could.

He didn't resist, the gray one, the evil and the harm,

But endured the beatings with pride and with glee.

Even the Bear said, "Guys, I'm proud of this charm,

A heroic personality, this goat, you see!"

They cherished the Goat like an heir to the throne,

A ban was issued throughout the wood,

From the sanctuary, he was never alone,

The scapegoat Goat was never to be moved.

And the Goat kept leaping, goat-like and free,

But he started to act up, on the sly,

He tied his beard in a knot, you see,

And called the Wolf a scoundrel, from his reply.

And when he received his next round of blame,

All because the wolves had eaten too much,

He growled like a bear, as if by some game,

But nobody noticed, not even a touch.

While the predators fought amongst themselves with might,

An opinion grew strong in the sanctuary's hold,

That dearer than bears and foxes, shining bright,

Was the precious scapegoat, worth more than gold.

The Goat heard this, and his demeanor did change:

"Hey, you brown ones," he yelled, "Hey, spotted and gray!

I'll take away your wolfish ration and range,

And your bearish privileges, come what may!

I'll show you a real "goat face" in this wood,

I'll stencil it everywhere, high and low,

I'll skewer you all on my horns, as I should,

And spread your fame across the world, you know!

Not one of you will eat a thing from the ground,

You'll all die without forgiveness, you'll see,

Whose sins to forgive, it's for me to be found,

For I am the scapegoat, eternally!"

...In that sanctuary (can't recall the name),

The Goat now rules the ball, but not as before:

He lived with wolves, and howled their game,

And now he roars like a bear, even more.

В заповеднике (вот в каком - забыл)

Жил да был Козел - роги длинные, -

Хоть с волками жил - не по-волчьи выл -

Блеял песенки, да все козлиные.

И пощипывал он травку, и нагуливал бока,

Не услышишь от него худого слова, -

Толку было с него, правда, как с козла молока,

Но вреда, однако, тоже - никакого.

Жил на выпасе, возле озерка,

Не вторгаясь в чужие владения, -

Но заметили скромного Козлика

И избрали в козлы отпущения!

Например, Медведь - баламут и плут -

Обхамит кого-нибудь по-медвежьему, -

Враз Козла найдут, приведут и бьют:

По рогам ему и промеж ему...

Не противился он, серенький, насилию со злом,

А сносил побои весело и гордо.

Сам Медведь сказал: "Робяты, я горжусь Козлом -

Героическая личность, козья морда!"

Берегли Козла как наследника, -

Вышло даже в лесу запрещение

С территории заповедника

Отпускать Козла отпущения.

А Козел себе все скакал козлом,

Но пошаливать он стал втихимолочку:

Как-то бороду завязал узлом -

Из кустов назвал Волка сволочью.

А когда очередное отпущенье получал -

Все за то, что волки лишку откусили, -

Он, как будто бы случайно, по-медвежьи зарычал, -

Но внимания тогда не обратили.

Пока хищники меж собой дрались,

В заповеднике крепло мнение,

Что дороже всех медведей и лис -

Дорогой Козел отпущения!

Услыхал Козел - да и стал таков:

"Эй, вы, бурые, - кричит, - эй вы, пегие!

Отниму у вас рацион волков

И медвежие привилегии!

Покажу вам "козью морду" настоящую в лесу,

Распишу туда-сюда по трафарету, -

Всех на роги намотаю и по кочкам разнесу,

И ославлю по всему по белу свету!

Не один из вас будет землю жрать,

Все подохнете без прощения, -

Отпускать грехи кому - это мне решать:

Это я - Козел отпущения!"

...В заповеднике (вот в каком забыл)

Правит бал Козел не по-прежнему:

Он с волками жил - и по-волчьи взвыл, -

И орет теперь по-медвежьему.

Vladimir Vysotsky's song "The Scapegoat Song" presents a satirical allegory of a totalitarian society and the mechanisms of oppression based on the search for an "enemy of the people."

The image of the Goat is initially presented as a harmless and submissive creature, bringing neither benefit nor harm. He becomes the ideal victim for the powerful (Bears and Wolves), who need someone to blame for their misdeeds and failures. The Goat accepts his fate "cheerfully and proudly," which only aggravates his situation - he becomes a convenient tool in the hands of the authorities.

The turning point comes when the Goat realizes his power over the situation. He begins to rebel secretly, at first timidly, and then more and more openly challenging the established order. His rebellion is not only a struggle for freedom, but also a thirst for power, revenge for humiliation. He adopts the habits of his oppressors, using their own methods to establish his own dictatorship.

The ending of the song is tragic: the Goat, having become a tyrant himself, repeats the mistakes of his tormentors. He turns into what he fought against, embodying the vicious circle of violence and oppression.

The main idea of the song is to show the danger of impunity and permissiveness, which corrupt both the victim and the aggressor. Vysotsky warns against blind faith in ideals and leaders, calling for critical thinking and the struggle for justice, not for power.

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