The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Trip to the city" (Poezdka v gorod) the performer of the song "Vladimir Vysotsky"

I am the most teetotal of all men:

I have moral strength, -

And our family, by a majority of votes,

Having provided me with a list of eight pages,

Equipped me to the capital.

So that I would bring my daughter-in-law

A fur coat for her and her husband,

To my brother and his wife - instant coffee,

To two daughters-in-law - a carpet each,

To my son-in-law - black caviar,

To my father-in-law - something Armenian bottled.

I am wounded, shell-shocked - I'm a little afraid

To forget who gets what in order, -

I memorized the list of things by heart,

And sewed the money behind the lining.

So, for my brother - two fur coats,

My sister's husband - perfume for him,

My father-in-law said: "Get whatever you find!"

To two daughters-in-law - a carpet each,

To my son-in-law - rabbit caviar,

To my godfather - two liters of vodka, - let him drown!

I bumped into backs, wandered over legs,

Walked my chest towards coats and shirts.

So that the list of things would not fall into the hands of enemies,

I swallowed it without fear.

But I remember: my brother asks for a fur coat,

For my godfather and his wife - anything at all,

For my father-in-law - Yerevan vodka,

To two daughters-in-law - a carpet each,

To my son-in-law - a rabbit hole,

And my sister doesn't care what, but something beautiful!

How can I go back empty-handed?!

But then I came across the goods.

"What currency do you have?" - they say.

"Don't worry," I say, "not dollars!"

Give me instant saffron,

My son-in-law - will die without caviar,

For my father-in-law, they say, give me perfume for a hangover!

To two daughters-in-law - it's all the same,

To my sister's husband - wine,

Well, for me - this yellow thing on the plate!

I don't remember the words about pounds, about sterling,

Struck by a terrible riddle:

Why did I shed my blood then,

Why did I eat that list of eight pages,

Why do I need rubles behind the lining?!

Where can I get a fur coat,

Coffee on fur for my son-in-law?

Horseradish for my father-in-law, and my godfather will get by with beer.

Where can I get a horse in down,

Instant daughter-in-law?

Well, my brother will get by with moonshine!

Я - самый непьющий из всех мужуков:

Во мне есть моральная сила, -

И наша семья большинством голосов,

Снабдив меня списком на восемь листов,

В столицу меня снарядила.

Чтобы я привез снохе

с ейным мужем по дохе,

Чтобы брату с бабой - кофе растворимый,

Двум невесткам - по ковру,

зятю - черную икру,

Тестю - что-нибудь армянского розлива.

Я ранен, контужен - я малость боюсь

Забыть, что кому по порядку, -

Я список вещей заучил наизусть,

А деньги зашил за подкладку.

Значит, брату - две дохи,

сестрин муж - ему духи,

Тесть сказал: "Давай бери что попадется!"

Двум невесткам - по ковру,

зятю - заячью икру,

Куму - водки литра два, - пущай зальется!

Я тыкался в спины, блуждал по ногам,

Шел грудью к плащам и рубахам.

Чтоб список вещей не достался врагам,

Его проглотил я без страха.

Но помню: шубу просит брат,

Куму с бабой - все подряд,

Тестю - водки ереванского розлива,

Двум невесткам - по ковру,

зятю - заячью нору,

А сестре - плевать чего, но чтоб - красиво!

Да что ж мне - пустым возвращаться назад?!

Но вот я набрел на товары.

"Какая валюта у вас?" - говорят.

"Не бойсь, - говорю, - не доллары!"

Растворимой мне махры,

зять - подохнет без икры,

Тестю, мол, даешь духи для опохмелки!

Двум невесткам - все равно,

мужу сестрину - вино,

Ну а мне - вот это желтое в тарелке!

Не помню про фунты, про стерлинги слов,

Сраженный ужасной загадкой:

Зачем я тогда проливал свою кровь,

Зачем ел тот список на восемь листов,

Зачем мне рубли за подкладкой?!

Где же все же взять доху,

зятю - кофе на меху?

Тестю - хрен, а кум и пивом обойдется.

Где мне взять коня в пуху,

растворимую сноху?

Ну а брат и самогоном перебьется!

In Vladimir Vysotsky's song "A Trip to the City", the situation of a man going to the city on behalf of his numerous relatives and facing difficulties in fulfilling their requests is ridiculed.

The meaning of the text:

The main character is a simple man who is sent to the city by his family with a huge shopping list. He diligently tries to remember all the requests, even sews money behind the lining of his clothes so as not to lose it. But the abundance of errands, the hustle and bustle of the big city, and the possible abuse of alcohol lead to the hero confusing orders, forgetting the list, and ultimately buying the wrong things.

Humor and satire:

Vysotsky uses hyperbole, creating an image of an endless shopping list and absurd requests from relatives (for example, "coffee on fur" or "instant daughter-in-law"). This creates a comic effect and makes fun of the consumerist sentiments that prevailed in Soviet society.

Tragicomic ending:

In the finale, the hero asks himself rhetorical questions about the meaning of his life and the sacrifices he made ("why did I shed my blood then..."). This gives the song a tragicomic connotation, making one think about values and priorities.

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