The meaning of the lyrics of the song "While you're here in the tiled tub" (Poka vyi zdes v vannochke s kafelem) the performer of the song "Vladimir Vysotsky"

While you are here, in a tub with tiles,

Washing yourself, enjoying, warming yourself, -

In the cold, with a scalpel to himself

He's cutting out his appendix.

He hears every single movement

And sees how the heart is jumping, -

Oh, it's a pity, citizens, that you won't be able

To look in the mirror like this!

Closer and closer to the goal, -

If only the pain would subside for a while!.

Oh, it's easier to cut along a hernia

To all who conquered Antarctica!

You're guzzling vodka here

In big, big gulps,

And he is sewing himself up - you understand? -

With big, big stitches.

He's a hero! Now, you get it:

Nowhere else can they do it like this, -

What do we need Antarctica and the Arctic for,

What do we need Albania and Poland for!

Пока вы здесь в ванночке с кафелем

Моетесь, нежитесь, греетесь, -

В холоде сам себе скальпелем

Он вырезает аппендикс.

Он слышит движение каждое

И видит, как прыгает сердце, -

Ох жаль, не придется вам, граждане,

В зеркало так посмотреться!

До цели все ближе и ближе, -

Хоть боль бы утихла для виду!.

Ой, легче отрезать по грыже

Всем, кто покорял Антарктиду!

Вы водочку здесь буздыряете

Большими-большими глотками,

А он себя шьет - понимаете? -

Большими-большими стежками.

Герой он! Теперь же смекайте-ка:

Нигде не умеют так больше, -

Чего нам Антарктика с Арктикой,

Чего нам Албания с Польшей!

The song "While You're Here in the Tiled Tub" by Vladimir Vysotsky juxtaposes two worlds: the cozy, comfortable world of ordinary people and the harsh, dangerous world of a polar explorer.

This contrast is created through vivid imagery and antitheses. On the one hand, we see people "washing, basking, warming themselves" in a warm bath, enjoying comfort and serenity. On the other hand, we are presented with a hero who, at the same time, in the icy desert, risking his life, performs surgery on himself.

The image of "cold" permeating the entire song becomes a symbol not only of the harsh conditions of the Arctic, but also of the trials that befell the hero. The "scalpel" with which he "cuts out the appendix" emphasizes the forced cruelty of the situation and the iron will of a man fighting for his life.

The author bitterly remarks: "It's a pity, citizens, you won't have a chance to look in the mirror like that!". This phrase is not just a statement of fact, but bitter irony. Vysotsky seems to be saying: you are not able to see yourself in this mirror, to see your helplessness and weakness against the background of true courage.

The finale of the song is saturated with sarcasm: "What do we need Antarctica and the Arctic for, what do we need Albania and Poland for!". Vysotsky seems to downplay the significance of geographical discoveries against the background of the hero's feat of self-sacrifice.

Ultimately, the song "While You're Here in the Tiled Tub" is not just a story about the feat of a polar explorer. It is a philosophical reflection on the value of human life, on courage and weakness, on true and false values.

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