The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Love in the Stone Age" (Pro lyubov v kamennom veke) the performer of the song "Vladimir Vysotsky"

Give me back my stone axe!

And don't you dare touch my loincloth!

Silence! I don't see you, not a glance!

Go sit over there and tend the fire! You sloth!

Don't you dare try to cheat me on trifles,

Don't you dare disgrace our family ways!

The cave's a mess, the hearth is cold - it rifles

Me up! You've grown spoiled in the matriarchal haze!

Remember your place:

I am the head, I am the man!

Observe the relations

Of our primal clan!

When they kill a mammoth - they'll raise a cheer,

Divide the spoils equally, it's the law...

I can't stay here with you all year,

I have to go and kill someone, ya flaw!

The elders will be here soon to see,

Don't you dare go out there naked, I warn!

It's the Stone Age, and no stones for me!

I'm ashamed before my tribe, I mourn!

I should have five wives, maybe more,

I'd show you all what's what, you see!

But things are tough, that's for sure,

That's why it's monogamy.

It's all your cursed family's fault!

My uncle, the one the boar did slay,

Warned me before he met his halt:

"Never take a wife from cannibals," he did say!

Don't turn the tribe against me, that's a lie,

About someone making advances, I know!

Don't slander our youth, they're our guiding light,

Our hope and strength, watch them grow!

What are you looking at? You're lucky you're not bruised!

Give me back the axe, I ask you nicely, see!

And where are the hides? They'll laugh, I'm so confused!

I'm counting to three, then I'm gonna bite you, one, two, three!

А ну отдай мой каменный топор!

И шкур моих набедренных не тронь!

Молчи, не вижу я тебя в упор, -

Сиди вон и поддерживай огонь!

Выгадывать не смей на мелочах,

Не опошляй семейный наш уклад!

Не убрана пещера и очаг, -

Разбаловалась ты в матриархат!

Придержи свое мнение:

Я - глава, и мужчина - я!

Соблюдай отношения


Там мамонта убьют - поднимут вой,

Начнут добычу поровну делить...

Я не могу весь век сидеть с тобой -

Мне надо хоть кого-нибудь убить!

Старейшины сейчас придут ко мне, -

Смотри еще - не выйди голой к ним!

Век каменный - и не достать камней, -

Мне стыдно перед племенем моим!

Пять бы жен мне - наверное,

Разобрался бы с вами я!

Но дела мои - скверные,

Потому - моногамия.

А все - твоя проклятая родня!

Мой дядя, что достался кабану,

Когда был жив, предупреждал меня:

Нельзя из людоедов брать жену!

Не ссорь меня с общиной - это ложь,

Что будто к тебе кто-то пристает, -

Не клевещи на нашу молодежь,

Она - надежда наша и оплот!

Ну что глядишь - тебя пока не бьют, -

Отдай топор - добром тебя прошу!

А шкуры - где? Ведь люди засмеют!.

До трех считаю, после - укушу!

Vladimir Vysotsky's song "About Love in the Stone Age" humorously depicts a domestic quarrel between a prehistoric couple. Beneath the comedic surface lies a satirical look at the eternal problems of relationships between men and women, relevant even in the modern world.

The protagonist, a man, appears as a caricature of the "head of the family" in the Stone Age. He appeals to patriarchal foundations ("I am the head, and I am the man!"), but behind the bravado hides insecurity and fear of public opinion. The hero tries to assert himself at the expense of his wife, accusing her of all sins ("You've gotten too big for your britches with this matriarchy!", "Don't slander our youth"), although he himself clearly does not shine with virtues.

The image of the wife in the song is not fully revealed; we see her only through the eyes of her husband. Despite this, from the fragmentary phrases, one can assume that she is not as simple as the hero tries to make her seem. The wife is not afraid to argue with her husband and may even be manipulating him.

The humor of the song is built on anachronisms: "matriarchy," "vulgarizing our family structure," "hope and stronghold." The primitive setting serves only as a backdrop for depicting eternal themes: the struggle for power in the family, jealousy, hypocrisy, and the desire to appear better in the eyes of others.

The ending of the song is left open, leaving the listener to wonder how the quarrel will end. This enhances the satirical effect: the problems described by Vysotsky have no simple solutions and remain relevant at all times.

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