The meaning of the lyrics of the song "About fools." (Pro glupcov) the performer of the song "Vladimir Vysotsky"

This noise is not the beginning of the end,

Not a repeat of Pompeii's fall -

Three great fools were having a fight:

Which of them, the greats, was most a fool.

The first howled: "I'm physically stupid,"-

He raised his hands as if climbing a choir stand.-

"I don't even have a wisdom tooth,

Despite my age, it hasn't grown!"

But they didn't take it into account -

Even a smart person wouldn't say that:

"Oh, big deal, a tooth doesn't grow!

Something else grows - so what?".

Clutching his bruised cheek,

The second one stood up: "Enough, you fools!

I can see everything differently,

Than it actually is!"

"Oh, you've found something to brag about, simpleton, -

A flaw of the whole generation!.

And besides, seeing everything differently -

Is proof of poor eyesight!"

The third was adamant and rude,

He scratched his face, trying to tear his clothes:

"I'm the only one who's truly stupid, -

I have no understanding of anything."

They argued for a long time - days, months, -

But all their arguments were pathetic...

And the three great fools went on

A foolish walk down a foolish road.

Here's the shore - the end of the road.

Rolling a barrel to the side,

Sat the greatest sage in it, -

Sages are good on their own.

He said to those approaching him:

"I know why you're here, who you are,"-

"There's just one thing I don't understand -

What's the purpose of it all, my dears?

Or maybe you need something to eat,

Or - haven't fought each other enough?

Don't pretend to be more foolish than you are, -

Stay as you were.

Just don't argue about

Who's the most important - you'll live just fine, -

Cheer up a bit more, and then -

So be it - come back again!"

He climbed into his barrel from the end -

Terribly smart, gray-haired and shaggy...

And the three great fools left -

The foolish, the silly, and the idiotic.

Wondering, they grumbled in their hearts:

"The sage is old - no doubt about it!

The world rests on great fools, -

The old man showed no respect!"

They'll disturb him again -

On a dark night they'll ask: "Get out!"

All of this would be fine,

But the fools - were in power...

And the tale has an end:

There's no more barrel by the roadside -

The sage was sent away "alone."

Is he doing well "alone"?

Этот шум - не начало конца,

Не повторная гибель Помпеи -

Спор вели три великих глупца:

Кто из них, из великих, глупее.

Первый выл: "Я физически глуп, -

Руки вздел, словно вылез на клирос.-

У меня даже мудрости зуб,

Невзирая на возраст, не вырос!"

Но не приняли это в расчет -

Даже умному эдак негоже:

"Ах, подумаешь, зуб не растет!

Так другое растет - ну и что же?."

К синяку прижимая пятак,

Встрял второй: "Полно вам, загалдели!

Я - способен все видеть не так,

Как оно существует на деле!"

"Эх, нашел чем хвалиться, простак, -

Недостатком всего поколенья!.

И к тому же все видеть не так -

Доказательство слабого зренья!"

Третий был непреклонен и груб,

Рвал лицо на себе, лез из платья:

"Я - единственный подлинно глуп, -

Ни про что не имею понятья".

Долго спорили - дни, месяца, -

Но у всех аргументы убоги...

И пошли три великих глупца

Глупым шагом по глупой дороге.

Вот и берег - дороге конец.

Откатив на обочину бочку,

В ней сидел величайший мудрец, -

Мудрецам хорошо в одиночку.

Молвил он подступившим к нему:

Дескать, знаю - зачем, кто такие, -

Одного только я не пойму -

Для чего это вам, дорогие!

Или, может, вам нечего есть,

Или - мало друг дружку побили?

Не кажитесь глупее, чем есть, -

Оставайтесь такими, как были.

Стоит только не спорить о том,

Кто главней, - уживетесь отлично, -

Покуражьтесь еще, а потом -

Так и быть - приходите вторично!.

Он залез в свою бочку с торца -

Жутко умный, седой и лохматый...

И ушли три великих глупца -

Глупый, глупенький и глуповатый.

Удивляясь, ворчали в сердцах:

"Стар мудрец - никакого сомненья!

Мир стоит на великих глупцах, -

Зря не выказал старый почтенья!"

Потревожат вторично его -

Темной ночью попросят: "Вылазьте!"

Все бы это еще ничего,

Но глупцы - состояли у власти...

И у сказки бывает конец:

Больше нет у обочины бочки -

В "одиночку" отправлен мудрец.

Хорошо ли ему в "одиночке"?

Vladimir Vysotsky's song "About Fools" satirizes different types of human stupidity and society's attitude towards wisdom and those who try to share it.

The three "great fools" are grotesque figures, each embodying a particular aspect of stupidity:

The first fool boasts of his physical stupidity, presenting it as some kind of innate defect. He does not understand that true wisdom is not dependent on physical characteristics.

The second fool prides himself on his distorted perception of reality. He does not realize that seeing the world "not as it is" is not a sign of intelligence, but rather a deviation.

The third fool claims absolute stupidity, stating that he does not understand anything. This type of stupidity is the most dangerous because it leaves no room for doubt and self-criticism, and therefore for development.

The encounter with the "wise man" in the barrel is the culmination of the song. The wise man, who lives in isolation from society, ironically observes the fools without trying to convince or reason with them. He understands that stupidity is invincible, especially if it is in power.

The ending of the song is tragic. The fools, not appreciating the wisdom of the old man and considering him "useless", get rid of him. The open ending makes you wonder: what awaits a society where stupidity triumphs and wisdom is rejected?

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