The meaning of the lyrics of the song "A friend appeared for me / I made a friend." (Poyavilsya drug u menya) the performer of the song "Vladimir Vysotsky"

A friend of mine returned

Unexpectedly, -

He chose me over a woman -

Where have you ever seen this?

A friend appeared,

When there's no one around

Nobody, - I'm used to it, -

But he, for the first time,

Understood everything in a flash without a word -

And he responded.

Maybe it's nonsense, maybe not, -

Only I know:

If only I could turn off the red light...

And yet I light it up.

He turned out to be -

Like a shield of armor,

And around - I'm used to it -

There are no souls at all, -

Even if you write, even if you rummage, -

And he responded.

True, this friend, if there is not

Not a gram for you,

And I have had it for many years -

Since childhood.

He is before me -

Like a leaf before the grass,

And around - I'm used to it -

Not a holy soul

There isn't even one, -

And he responded.

Возвратился друг у меня

Неожиданно, -

Бабу на меня променял -

Где же это видано!

Появился друг,

Когда нет вокруг

Никого, - с этим свыкнулся, -

Ну а он в первый раз

Враз все понял без фраз -

И откликнулся.

Может, это бред, может - нет, -

Только знаю я:

Погасить бы мне красный свет...

И все же зажигаю я.

Оказался он -

Как брони заслон,

А кругом - с этим свыкнулся -

Нет как нет ни души, -

Хоть пиши, хоть вороши, -

А он откликнулся.

Правда, этот друг если нет

Ну ни грамма вам,

А у меня уже много лет -

С детства самого.

Он передо мной -

Как лист перед травой,

А кругом - с этим свыкнулся -

Ни души святой

Даже нету той, -

А он откликнулся.

Vladimir Vysotsky's song "A Friend Appeared" tells the story of a faithful and devoted friend – an imaginary one. The lyrical hero contrasts him with real people, from whom he did not receive support and understanding.

The first verse describes with bitter irony how a friend appeared unexpectedly, "trading his girl" for him. This immediately indicates the unreality of the friend, because hardly anyone is capable of such a thing. But the important thing is that this friend appeared at a time when there was no one around the hero, when he had already "gotten used to it." It is in this loneliness and despair that the hero finds solace in an imaginary friend who "understood everything without a word – and responded."

The second verse develops the theme of loneliness. The hero may doubt the reality of the friend ("Maybe it's crazy, maybe it's not"), but he appreciates his presence, because "to turn off the red light" means to abandon this illusion and be left completely alone. The image of "armor shield" suggests that the imaginary friend protects the hero from the outside world, from pain and disappointment.

The third verse finally reveals the nature of the friend: it is a figment of the imagination, existing "for many years – since childhood." He is always there, "like a leaf before the grass," requires nothing in return, and is always ready to "respond."

Thus, the song "A Friend Appeared" is a sad story about a man who does not find understanding in real life and is forced to seek solace in the world of fantasy. An imaginary friend becomes for him the only one who is always there, who understands and supports.

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