The meaning of the lyrics of the song "A Visit from the Muse, or A Plagiarist's Ditty" (Poseschenie Muzyi, ili Pesenka plagiatora) the performer of the song "Vladimir Vysotsky"

"I'll explode now, like three hundred tons of TNT, -

A charge of uncreative evil's in me:

My Muse came to visit me today -

She sat for a bit and went away!

She had her reasons, I'm sure you'll agree -

I've no right to grumble, no right to complain -

Imagine: a Muse... at night... with a man! -

God knows what people would say about her name.

And yet I'm sad and lonely, that's for sure:

For this Muse - people will confirm it's true! -

Used to spend her days at Blok's, that's sure,

And lived with Pushkin, never leaving, it's true!

I rushed to my desk, impatient to create,

But - Lord have mercy and save my soul -

She'd gone, inspiration vanished without a trace,

And - three rubles: for a taxi, I suppose.

I pace like a beast, enraged, throughout my home,

But God be with her, with my Muse, I forgive her whim.

She's gone to someone else, it seems, I'm all alone:

I must have been a very poor host to her, it seems.

A huge cake, studded with candles all around,

Dried up from sorrow, as did my soul and heart.

With neighbors, those scoundrels, we drank it all down,

The cognac meant for my Muse right from the start.

...Years have passed, like names on a list, black and long, -

All in the past, I yawn from the depths of my gloom.

She left without a word, like a silent song,

But two lines from her, thankfully, still loom.

Here are the two lines - I'm a genius, no doubt,

Bring on the praise, the laurels, and flowers so bright:

"I remember that wonderful moment, no doubt,

When you appeared before me, my shining light!"

Я щас взорвусь, как триста тонн тротила, -

Во мне заряд нетворческого зла:

Меня сегодня Муза посетила, -

Немного посидела и ушла!

У ней имелись веские причины -

Я не имею права на нытье, -

Представьте: Муза... ночью... у мужчины! -

Бог весть что люди скажут про нее.

И все же мне досадно, одиноко:

Ведь эта Муза - люди подтвердят! -

Засиживалась сутками у Блока,

У Пушкина жила не выходя.

Я бросился к столу, весь нетерпенье,

Но - господи помилуй и спаси -

Она ушла, - исчезло вдохновенье

И - три рубля: должно быть, на такси.

Я в бешенстве мечусь, как зверь, по дому,

Но бог с ней, с Музой, - я ее простил.

Она ушла к кому-нибудь другому:

Я, видно, ее плохо угостил.

Огромный торт, утыканный свечами,

Засох от горя, да и я иссяк.

С соседями я допил, сволочами,

Для Музы предназначенный коньяк.

...Ушли года, как люди в черном списке, -

Все в прошлом, я зеваю от тоски.

Она ушла безмолвно, по-английски,

Но от нее остались две строки.

Вот две строки - я гений, прочь сомненья,

Даешь восторги, лавры и цветы:

"Я помню это чудное мгновенье,

Когда передо мной явилась ты"!

Vladimir Vysotsky's song "The Visit of the Muse, or The Plagiarist's Song" satirizes not only plagiarism but also the pursuit of fame and a superficial attitude towards creativity.

The lyrical hero is a man who craves recognition but is unwilling to work for it. He waits for inspiration like manna from heaven, hoping that the Muse will bestow upon him brilliant verses without the slightest effort on his part. The visit of the Muse is presented as a random, even comical event, rather than the result of hard work and self-improvement.

The text contains clear irony. The hero claims that the Muse "lingered for days on end with Blok, lived with Pushkin without leaving," yet he himself did nothing to keep her. Moreover, he blames the Muse for "leaving for someone else," attributing his own laziness and inability to create to her "bad reception."

The culmination is the plagiarism of the final lines – the hero passes off Pushkin's lines as his own, declaring himself a genius. This exposes the true essence of the hero – the desire for fame without the slightest effort, replacing genuine creativity with imitation.

The song uses humor and exaggeration to highlight a serious issue – the devaluation of true art and the prevalence of superficiality. It serves as a reminder that inspiration alone is not enough; true creativity demands dedication, hard work, and an honest approach. The comedic tone does not diminish the message's importance but rather makes it more accessible and thought-provoking.

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