The meaning of the lyrics of the song "The deceased" (Pokoynik) the performer of the song "Vladimir Vysotsky"

Whether you're riding a train, in a car,

Or strolling, having sipped some wine, —

With today's abundance of machines, my friend,

It's hard to make it through this life in one piece.

Here's an accident: in Zamostvorechye,

Three were carrying one to his grave —

All, including the driver, got injured,

Only the one in the coffin was unscathed.

Hired mourners wailed through their teeth,

Even the deacon couldn't hit the high notes,

The brass instruments played loudly out of tune,

Only the one in the coffin didn't lie.

The former boss — and a secret crook —

Kissed the forehead and spat with disdain,

Everyone paid their respects, and only the deceased

Didn't kiss anyone back.

But thunder roared — nothing you can do,

The forces of nature don't care for words, —

Everyone scattered under slabs and roofs,

Only the deceased didn't run for cover.

What's rain to him? It won't get him.

It's the living who are not so tough.

While the deceased, those former people, —

Are brave souls, unlike us.

No matter how you hurry, you're overtaken

By a sticky label, like a mark on your brow,

And nothing threatens you,

Only when you're in a coffin of oak.

Be it separate or shared —

The housing issue doesn't concern the dead.

Oh, that deceased fellow is a fine one:

He won't get scared and won't lie.

In the realm of shadows — in that strict society —

There are dangers galore, an abyss of worries.

Just like us: we all walk under God,

Only the one in the coffin has nothing to fear.

Slaughterhouses work deftly and reliably,

Everyone who needs to — is always in training.

Meaning, potentially — everyone's a goner,

Except for those already gone.

I hear whispers around: "He's praising the dead!"

No, I'm offended by our fate:

Someday, someone will crush us all,

Except for those already in the coffin.

Едешь ли в поезде, в автомобиле

Или гуляешь, хлебнувши винца, —

При современном машинном обилье

Трудно по жизни пройти до конца.

Вот вам авария: в Замоскворечье

Трое везли хоронить одного —

Все, и шофёр, получили увечья,

Только который в гробу — ничего.

Бабы по найму рыдали сквозь зубы,

Дьякон и тот верхней ноты не брал,

Громко фальшивили медные трубы,

Только который в гробу не соврал.

Бывший начальник — и тайный разбойник —

В лоб лобызал и брезгливо плевал,

Все приложились, и только покойник

Так никого и не поцеловал.

Но грянул гром — ничего не попишешь,

Силам природы на речи плевать, —

Все разбежались под плиты и крыши,

Только покойник не стал убегать.

Что ему дождь? От него не убудет.

Вот у живущих закалка не та.

Ну а покойники, бывшие люди, —

Смелые люди и нам не чета.

Как ни спеши, тебя опережает

Клейкий ярлык, как отметка на лбу,

А ничего тебе не угрожает,

Только когда ты в дубовом гробу.

Можно в отдельный, а можно и в общий —

Мёртвых квартирный вопрос не берёт.

Ох, молодец этот самый усопший:

Не испугается и не соврёт.

В царстве теней — в этом обществе строгом —

Масса опасностей, бездна тревог.

Как и у нас: все мы ходим под Богом,

Только которым в гробу — ничего.

Ловко, надёжно работают бойни,

Все кому надо — всегда в тренаже.

Значит, в потенции — каждый покойник,

За исключением тех, кто уже.

Слышу кругом: "Он покойников славит!"

Нет, я в обиде на нашу судьбу:

Всех нас когда-нибудь ктой-то задавит,

За исключением тех, кто в гробу.

In his song "The Deceased", Vladimir Vysotsky uses dark humor and sarcasm to touch upon the themes of life's fragility and societal hypocrisy.

The meaning of the lyrics can be summarized as follows:

Death as the great equalizer: Death does not discriminate between rich and poor, powerful and ordinary. Everyone is equal in the face of death, and this idea is emphasized throughout the text.

Social hypocrisy: Vysotsky mocks the hypocrisy of people who mourn the deceased only out of decorum. This is shown in the song through the images of weeping women, falsely sobbing "through their teeth," and the "former boss" who exploited people during his life and now hypocritically kisses the deceased on the forehead.

Freedom in death: Death, according to the lyrical hero, is a liberation from life's burdens, fears, injustices, and lies. The deceased is not afraid of thunder, he is not pursued by a "sticky label", he does not lie and is not afraid of punishment.

The inevitability of death: Vysotsky reminds us that death is an integral part of life, and we will all face it sooner or later.

Therefore, "The Deceased" is not just a song about death, but a philosophical reflection on life and death, truth and lies, freedom and captivity.

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