The meaning of the lyrics of the song "A dimly lit room, the smoke of cigarettes..." (Polumrachnaya komnata, dyim papiros...) the performer of the song "Vladimir Vysotsky"

A dim room,

cigarette smoke,

The radio dial

glows faintly.

A quiet blues tears

our souls to tears,

The smell of wine

creeps through the room.

I come up to you

and kiss you,

Gently touching

with dry lips,

And you raise

your face

And look with tortured


I've only known you

for three hours,

Well, in five,

I'll probably forget,

And these blue

eyes of yours,

Will probably be winking

at someone else.

And in the morning, waking up

with a headache,

You'll forget my

kisses and caresses,

And now you're going

down a different road

And you're already making eyes

at someone else.

Полумрачная комната,

дым папирос,

Слабо шкала

приёмника светится.

Тихий блюз раздирает

нам душу до слёз,

Винный запах

по комнате стелется.

Я к тебе подхожу

и целую тебя,

Нежно касаясь

сухими губами,

А ты подымаешь

лицо своё

И смотришь измученными


Я знаю тебя

всего три часа,

Ну, а через пять,

вероятно, забуду,

И эти твои

с синевою глаза,

Вероятно, другому

моргать уже будут.

А наутро, проснувшись

с больной головой,

Ты забудешь мои

поцелуи и ласки,

И теперь ты идёшь

по дороге иной

И другому уж строишь

лукавые глазки.

In Vladimir Vysotsky's song "A dimly lit room, cigarette smoke..." we are presented with a scene of a fleeting, perhaps accidental, encounter between two people. The atmosphere is saturated with sadness and hopelessness: dim light, smoke, quiet blues tearing at the soul, the smell of wine - everything speaks of the transience and fragility of the moment.

The lyrical hero, addressing the woman, confesses his sympathy, kisses her, but at the same time realizes the transience of their connection. He understands that in a few hours he will forget her, as she will forget him.

There is a certain despair in these lines. The hero is well aware that their meeting is just an episode with no future. He understands that tomorrow she will be making eyes at someone else, just as he will probably forget about her.

The image of "blue eyes" runs through the entire poem, emphasizing the sadness and doom of their love. It is the color of sadness, longing, the inevitability of parting.

Overall, the song conveys an atmosphere of loneliness and the inability to find true, lasting love. The characters are doomed to a constant search, to a chain of fleeting encounters that do not bring true happiness.

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