The meaning of the lyrics of the song "In any weather." (Pri vsyakoy pogode) the performer of the song "Vladimir Vysotsky"

In any weather -

If need be, then need be -

We're off to sea

Not for a day, not for two.

And on land - chamomile and clover,

And on land - fields are flooded,-

But even birds fly North,

If they get tired of the warmth.

We don't enter ports -

If need be, then need be -

You won't see the Bosporus,

You won't see Canada.

The stormy sea cuts our seiner,

And sometimes without land it's hard,-

But even birds fly North,

If they get tired of the warmth.

You miss home -

No need, no need,-

Why are you sailing away

Not for a day, not for two!

For on land - chamomile and clover,

For on land - fields are flooded...

But even birds fly North,

If they get tired of the warmth.

При всякой погоде -

Раз надо, так надо -

Мы в море уходим

Не на день, не на два.

А на суше - ромашка и клевер,

А на суше - поля залило,-

Но и птицы летят на Север,

Если им надоест тепло.

Не заходим мы в порты -

Раз надо, так надо,-

Не увидишь Босфор ты,

Не увидишь Канады.

Море бурное режет наш сейнер,

И подчас без земли тяжело,-

Но и птицы летят на Север,

Если им надоест тепло.

По дому скучаешь -

Не надо, не надо,-

Зачем уплываешь

Не на день, не на два!

Ведь на суше - ромашка и клевер,

Ведь на суше - поля залило...

Но и птицы летят на Север,

Если им надоест тепло.

This song by Vladimir Vysotsky, "In Any Weather," explores themes of duty, longing for new horizons, and confronting challenges. The lyrical hero is a sailor embarking on a long voyage, aware of the hardships that await him ("The stormy sea cuts through our seiner, / And sometimes it's hard without land").

The phrase "In any weather - / If it's necessary, it's necessary" serves as a recurring motif, reflecting the hero's resilience and determination. He's ready to fulfill his duty regardless of storms, separation from loved ones, or other difficulties of life at sea.

The image of birds flying North, towards cold and harsh climates, becomes a metaphor for striving for something beyond familiar comforts. "But even birds fly North, / When they tire of the warmth" – these lines speak to a yearning for change, new experiences, even if the path to them is challenging.

There's an internal conflict within the song. On one hand – there's longing for home, peace, and comfort ("For on land - there are daisies and clover, / On land - the fields are flooded..."). On the other – there's a call of the unknown, a desire to test oneself ("You won't see the Bosphorus, / You won't see Canada").

Ultimately, duty and thirst for adventure prevail over homesickness. The song leaves a sense of inner strength, persistence in achieving one's goals, and a willingness to sacrifice comfort for something greater.

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