The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Confusion" (Putanica) the performer of the song "Vladimir Vysotsky"

Everyone must, every single one,

Sleep soundly until the clock strikes five,-

At least to be able to

Distinguish the lock picks.

Someone came home,

And rises, sniffing the air,-

That's very good,

That's a one!

He barely stepped over the threshold,

And he's got vertigo,-

So, upside down two -

That's a solid five!

Eh, five, three, one,

We only have one head,

And in this head -

Two companies and two ears.

Only a slap in the face will confuse the head,

The head walks on five legs -

Two ears!

Hehead, shehead, theyhead - two ears!

Все должны до одного

Крепко спать до цифры пять,-

Ну, хотя бы для того,

Чтоб отмычки различать.

Кто-то там домой пришел,

И глаза бонять поднится,-

Это очень хорошо,

Это - единица!

За порог ступил едва,

А ему - головопорка,-

Значит, вверх ногами два -

Твердая пятерка!

Эх, пять, три, раз,

Голова один у нас,

Ну а в этом голове -

Рота два и уха две.

С толку голову собьет

Только оплеуха,

На пяти ногах идет

Голова - два уха!

Болова, холова, долова - два уха!

Vladimir Vysotsky's song "Confusion" ("Putanitsa") is a satirical commentary on the state of a person under the influence of alcohol. The author uses wordplay and numbers to convey the disorientation and distorted perception of reality.

Let's analyze the lyrics:

First verse:

Establishes an absurd rule - to sleep until five in order to "distinguish master keys." This hints at the character's inclination towards petty theft, hindered only by his intoxicated state.

Second verse:

Describes the state of a person who just came home after heavy drinking. "Eyes struggle to rise" indicates a severe hangover. "Number one" ironically denotes a condition far from ideal.

Third verse:

Continues the depiction of intoxication. "Dizziness" and "upside down two" are symptoms of severe drunkenness. "Solid five" is sarcasm, emphasizing the pitiful state of the hero.

Fourth verse:

Here, the confusion reaches its peak. "Eh, five, three, one" mimics the slurred speech of a drunkard. The author deliberately mixes up numbers and body parts to convey the complete loss of orientation in space and self-perception.

Pay attention to:

Use of colloquialisms: "struggle to rise," "dizziness," "slap" - create an image of a simple person prone to alcohol abuse.

Wordplay: "head" - "two ears," "hadova, chodova, dodova" - emphasize the comicality of the situation and the hero's inability to express his thoughts coherently.

Thus, "Confusion" is a satire on drunkenness that uses humor and grotesqueness to show the destructive effects of alcohol on a person.

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