The meaning of the lyrics of the song "More real than dreams and delirium." (Realney snovideniya i breda) the performer of the song "Vladimir Vysotsky"

More real than dreams and delirium,

Stranger than an old children's tale -

A beautiful Eastern legend

About a lake on a hill and a pool a hundred cubits deep.

And whoever dives into this cold pool,

And gathers the shells clinging to the bottom,-

Neither spell nor death will touch them;

And whoever drowns will find peace and quiet.

Eh, my boots are worn out, from walking pigeon-toed

I trudge along the path to the stone giants,

From the bottom of the lake I'll scrape and scratch off the shiny ones -

For earrings for you, my dear, or if you want - for a ring!

From a humble earthly bow

I will not refuse, although I haven't bent my back.

I was born in a shirt - made of nylon,-

I did not aspire to a thin, silk one.

Thank you for the kind word:

I wear it - I don't cherish it, I don't hide it in secret places,-

It's easy to wash the blood off of it,

It doesn't tear - even if you tear it from the collar - no way!

I will climb the giants, up the hill with quiet steps,

I will look into the bottom of the lake in the reflection of lightning:

I will sneak up and grab the shimmering shells -

For a necklace for you, like a queen's!

I trudge through the dry, I walk through the wet,-

Sometimes I descend on my backside...

They tell me that I'm slipping lower and lower,

But I - even though I'm at the bottom, I still keep my level!

Life is ahead - one segment lived,

I am welcome everywhere - in mansions and in storehouses:

Born in a shirt - God will help you,-

Whether ours, or Udege - old Sangia-mama!

My dear deeds, I will cover you with my hat -

I will get there, I will climb to the cloudy limits,-

If I can't take the magic shells - I will scratch a star from the sky,

A large diamond one - like those of queens!

I would bring a canopy of stars on a golden platter,

So that you may while away the century by their light,-

But here's the trouble - caring people

Said: Do not take the stars from the sky!

Divers for shells - drown.

But for someone in a shirt - what is prison or an asylum to them:

I throw myself headlong into the blue pool -

Take me to you, don't hesitate, Sangia-mama!..

But before that, my soul, through the lands of Moravia

We will ride, and the gods will wait-bide their time!

Into a coastal boat, into paths with clean gravel

We'll throw a ringing coin, sink it - and back.

And do you remember, my dear, into our summer money

We threw a coin into the sea - you asked for it yourself?..

Or maybe, even into the lake those cherished shells

God threw in for sure - Sangia-mama himself!..

Реальней сновидения и бреда,

Чуднее старой сказки для детей -

Красивая восточная легенда

Про озеро на сопке и про омут в сто локтей.

И кто нырнет в холодный этот омут,

Насобирает ракушек, приклеенных ко дну,-

Ни заговор, ни смерть того не тронут;

А кто потонет - обретет покой и тишину.

Эх, сапоги-то стоптаны, походкой косолапою

Протопаю по тропочке до каменных гольцов,

Со дна кружки блестящие я соскоблю, сцарапаю -

Тебе на серьги, милая, а хошь - и на кольцо!

Я от земного низкого поклона

Не откажусь, хотя спины не гнул.

Родился я в рубашке - из нейлона,-

На шелковую, тоненькую я не потянул.

Спасибо и за ту на добром слове:

Ношу - не берегу ее, не прячу в тайниках,-

Ее легко отстирывать от крови,

Не рвется - хоть от ворота рвани ее - никак!

Я на гольцы вскарабкаюсь, на сопку тихой сапою,

Всмотрюсь во дно озерное при отблеске зарниц:

Мерцающие ракушки я подкрадусь и сцапаю -

Тебе на ожерелье, какое у цариц!

Пылю по суху, топаю по жиже,-

Я иногда спускаюсь по ножу...

Мне говорят, что я качусь все ниже,

А я - хоть и внизу, а все же уровень держу!

Жизнь впереди - один отрезок прожит,

Я вхож куда угодно - в терема и в закрома:

Рожден в рубашке - Бог тебе поможет,-

Хоть наш, хоть удэгейский - старый Сангия-мама!

Дела мои любезные, я вас накрою шляпою -

Я доберусь, долезу до заоблачных границ,-

Не взять волшебных ракушек - звезду с небес сцарапаю,

Алмазную да крупную - какие у цариц!

Навес бы звезд я в золоченом блюде,

Чтобы при них вам век прокоротать,-

Да вот беда - заботливые люди

Сказали: Звезды с неба - не хватать!

Ныряльщики за ракушками - тонут.

Но кто в рубашке - что тому тюрьма или сума:

Бросаюсь головою в синий омут -

Бери меня к себе, не мешкай, Сангия-мама!..

Но до того, душа моя, по странам по Муравиям

Прокатимся, и боги подождут-повременят!

Мы в галечку прибрежную, в дорожки с чистым гравием

Вобьем монету звонкую, затопчем - и назад.

А помнишь ли, голубушка, в денечки наши летние

Бросили в море денежку - просила ты сама?..

А может быть, и в озеро те ракушки заветные

Забросил Бог для верности - сам Сангия-мама!..

In Vladimir Vysotsky's song "More Real Than Dreams and Delirium", the lyrical hero strives for the unattainable, challenges fate and social norms. Using the metaphor of the legend of magic shells at the bottom of a dangerous pool, the author speaks of the desire for happiness, wealth, love, and fame.

The hero is not afraid of danger ("Neither conspiracy nor death will touch him"), he is ready to take risks to achieve his goal. He was born into a simple family ("I was born in a shirt - made of nylon"), but he does not want to put up with the fate of a poor man. He is ready to "dive into the pool," to break prohibitions ("Don't take stars from the sky!"), just to achieve what he wants.

The image of the "shirt" in which the hero was born has a double meaning. On the one hand, it is a symbol of simple origin, on the other hand, it is a talisman, protection ("Whether ours, even Udege - old Sangi-mama!"). The hero believes in his luck, that he can do anything.

The song also has a love line. The hero is ready to give his beloved jewels - both "shells from the bottom" and "a star from the sky." He is full of life, energy, the desire to take everything from it. The finale of the song sounds tragic, but not hopeless. The hero is ready to rush "into the blue pool," to entrust his fate to "Sangi-mama," but after he enjoys life, fulfills his desires ("we will ride through the Moravias").

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