The meaning of the lyrics of the song "How many wonders lie hidden beyond the mists." (Skolko chudes za tumanami kroetsya) the performer of the song "Vladimir Vysotsky"

How many wonders the fog conceals -

Impossible to approach, to see, to claim.

Twice we've tried, but God loves the rule of three -

Foolish to turn back now, consumed by shame.

Learn it by heart, never forget,

Repeat it like a magic spell:

"Don't lose your faith within the mist,

And don't lose yourself as well!"

Once, troubles haunted us, it's true,

The fog concealed many from their foes.

But now, dear fog, your loyalty is through -

Enough of locking the taiga in repose!

Learn it by heart, never forget,

Repeat it like a magic spell:

"Don't lose your faith within the mist,

And don't lose yourself as well!"

Shrouded in secrecy, sculpted in silence deep,

Nature, the shaman, has cast her spell.

Black gold, white gold, secrets to keep,

The ancient fog stands guard, sentinel.

Just you remember, never forget,

Repeat it like a magic spell:

"Don't lose your faith within the mist,

And don't lose yourself as well!"

So, is it hopeless? Are we truly weak,

Before the fog, insignificant and small?

But warmth, the warmth that humans speak,

Can lift even the thickest fog's wall!

Learn it, etch it deep within your soul,

Repeat it like a magic spell:

"Don't lose your faith within the mist,

And don't lose yourself as well!"

Don't lose yourself!

Сколько чудес за туманами кроется -

Ни подойти, ни увидеть, ни взять, -

Дважды пытались, но Бог любит троицу -

Глупо опять поворачивать вспять.

Выучи намертво, не забывай

И повторяй как заклинанье:

"Не потеряй веру в тумане,

Да и себя не потеряй!"

Было когда-то - тревожили беды нас, -

Многих туман укрывал от врагов.

Нынче, туман, не нужна твоя преданность -

Хватит тайгу запирать на заcoв!

Выучи намертво, не забывай

И повторяй как заклинанье:

"Не потеряй веру в тумане,

Да и себя не потеряй!"

Тайной покрыто, молчанием сколото -

Заколдовала природа-шаман.

Черное золото, белое золото

Сторож седой охраняет - туман.

Только ты выучи, не забывай

И повторяй как заклинанье:

"Не потеряй веру в тумане,

Да и себя не потеряй!"

Что же выходит - и пробовать нечего,

Перед туманом ничто человек?

Но от тепла, от тепла человечьего

Даже туман поднимается вверх!

Выучи, вызубри, не забывай

И повторяй как заклинанье:

"Не потеряй веру в тумане,

Да и себя не потеряй!"

Не потеряй!

Vladimir Vysotsky's poem "How many wonders are hidden beyond the mists" is a hymn to human perseverance and faith in one's own strength. The mist here acts as a metaphor for life's difficulties, obstacles, and the unknown.

The first stanza sets the tone for the entire work: the world is full of mysteries and secrets hidden behind a veil of fog. The author encourages us not to give up in the face of the unknown, remembering that "God loves a trinity."

The key motif of the poem is the refrain "Don't lose faith in the fog, / And don't lose yourself!", which is repeated throughout the text. This call is addressed not only to the lyrical hero, but to each of us. Vysotsky reminds us that even in the most difficult moments it is important to maintain faith in ourselves and our strengths, not to lose hope and not to deviate from the chosen path.

It is interesting that the image of fog in the poem is not unambiguous. On the one hand, it hides wonders and dangers from us, on the other hand, it also served as protection from enemies in the past ("Many were hidden from enemies by the fog"). However, the author calls not to hide behind the fog, but to boldly go towards the unknown.

In the last stanzas of the poem, the image of "human warmth" appears, which is capable of dispelling even the thickest fog. Here Vysotsky says that it is human will, perseverance and striving for a goal that can overcome any obstacles.

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