The meaning of the lyrics of the song "The Nightingale the Robber's Serenade" (Serenada Solovya-razboynika) the performer of the song "Vladimir Vysotsky"

Come out, let me dedicate a serenade to you!

Who else will whistle a serenade for you?

I can go on for days - until I drop, -

If the muse visits me.

For now, I'm just joking and fooling around -

I'm not myself yet:

I'm enduring the offense, but when I flare up -

I'll saw the palace, set it on fire, tear it down, -

If you don't come out onto the balcony!

Answer me directly and frankly -

Don't torment my bandit soul!

Oh, come out, come out, come out, Agrafena,

Listen to the serenade of love!

Hey-hey-hey, tra-la-la!

If only the fair maiden lived in a basement apartment,

I would then squat

By your window, -

We would chatter until morning!

In my forest storerooms - there's plenty of goods,

Two cozy hollows, three rotten stumps...

Why am I not a match for you, Grunya,

Why am I not a groom for you, Fenya?!

I love you so much that I don't sleep at night,

I'm withering away from grief in plain sight.

That's how I lost my voice - I'm hoarse and wheezing.

Oh, I'll chop wood - I'll destroy myself, -

But I will steal you, take you away!

I'll break your suitors over my knee!

I'll spoil your father's blood!

Oh, come out, come out, come out, Agrafena, -

Don't let my bandit blood perish!

Hey-hey-hey, tra-la-la!

If only the fair maiden lived in a basement apartment,

I would then squat

By your window, -

We would chatter until morning!

So let's set a wedding date, Agrafena,

I'm an evil spirit, but with a pure soul!

To hell, excuse me, with my bandit ways

I will forget for you!

I will sing my heart out, and I will buy a gift,

I'll bring all my friends to bow to you;

I will sing your praises, I will provide for you,

The guys will give us a ruble each for the wedding, -

Just come out onto the balcony!

Answer me seriously, I beg you earnestly,

After all, the nightingales know that "c'est la vie."

So come out, for heaven's sake, Agrafena, -

Don't let the flame of love die out!

In my head and in my thoughts -

There's only one dream: that the beauty will come out, -

I will stand on my tiptoes

And kiss your sugary lips!

Hey-hey-hey, tra-la-la!

If only the fair maiden lived in a basement apartment,

I would then squat

By your window, -

We would chatter until morning!

Выходи, я тебе посвящу серенаду!

Кто тебе серенаду еще посвистит?

Сутки кряду могу - до упаду, -

Если муза меня посетит.

Я пока еще только шутю и шалю -

Я пока на себя не похож:

Я обиду терплю, но когда я вспылю -

Я дворец подпилю, подпалю, развалю, -

Если ты на балкон не придешь!

Ты отвечай мне прямо-откровенно -

Разбойничую душу не трави!.

О, выйди, выйди, выйди, Аграфена,

Послушай серенаду о любви!

Эй-ей-ей, трали-вали!

Кабы красна девица жила в полуподвале,

Я бы тогда на корточки

Приседал у форточки, -

Мы бы до утра проворковали!

Во лесных кладовых моих - уйма товара,

Два уютных дупла, три пенечка гнилых...

Чем же я тебе, Груня, не пара,

Чем я, Феня, тебе не жених?!

Так тебя я люблю, что ночами не сплю,

Сохну с горя у всех на виду.

Вот и голос сорвал - и хриплю, и сиплю.

Ох, я дров нарублю - я себя погублю, -

Но тебя я украду, уведу!

Я женихов твоих - через колено!

Я папе твоему попорчу кровь!

О, выйди, выйди, выйди, Аграфена, -

О не губи разбойничую кровь!

Эй-ей-ей, трали-вали!

Кабы красна девица жила в полуподвале,

Я бы тогда на корточки

Приседал у форточки, -

Мы бы до утра проворковали!

Так давай, Аграфенушка, свадьбу назначим, -

Я - нечистая сила, но с чистой душой!

Я к чертям, извините, собачьим

Для тебя позабуду разбой!

Я и трелью зальюсь, и подарок куплю,

Всех дружков приведу на поклон;

Я тебя пропою, я тебя прокормлю,

Нам ребята на свадьбу дадут по рублю, -

Только ты выходи на балкон!

Ответь всерьез, прошу проникновенно,

Ведь знают соловьи, что "се ля ви".

Так выйди, елки-палки, Аграфена, -

Не дай погаснуть пламенной любви!

Во темечке моем да во височке -

Одна мечта: что выйдет красота, -

Привстану я на цыпочки-мысочки

И поцелую в сахарны уста!

Эй-ей-ей, трали-вали!

Кабы красна девица жила в полуподвале,

Я бы тогда на корточки

Приседал у форточки, -

Мы бы до утра проворковали!

Vladimir Vysotsky's song "The Nightingale-Robber's Serenade" uses the mask of bandit bravado and feigned roughness to tell a story of unrequited love and longing for simple human happiness. The lyrical hero, the Nightingale-Robber, tries to win the heart of the unapproachable Agrafena.

His serenade bizarrely interweaves threats ("I'll saw your palace down", "I'll break your suitors' knees") with tender confessions ("I love you so much, I can't sleep at night", "I'll sing for you, I'll feed you"). The hero is ready to trade the cruelty and violence inherent in his robber's life for love and family comfort ("Two cozy hollows, three rotten stumps..."). He dreams of simple happiness ("If only the beautiful maiden lived in a basement... We would coo until morning!"), which for him, as a robber, seems unattainable.

The image of the Nightingale-Robber is full of inner contradictions. He is at once formidable and tender, funny and tragic. He longs for love, but does not know how to achieve it other than through threats and promises of untold riches. The ending of the song, despite all the bravado, is filled with hopelessness: the hero realizes that his dreams of love, family, and a simple life will most likely remain just that - dreams.

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