The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Every person [their] grievances. It seems like you're starting a sentence, but it's incomplete. To translate it accurately, I need more context. What do people do with their grievances? For example: Ev" (Svoi obidyi kajdyiy chelovek) the performer of the song "Vladimir Vysotsky"

Each man bears grudges for a while,

Time passes by - he forgets them all.

But my sorrow, like eternal snow,

Won't melt away, won't melt at all.

It won't melt even in the summer heat,

At the blazing midday hour.

And I know: this sorrow, this despair I feel,

Is mine to carry till my final hour.

Свои обиды каждый человек

Проходит время – и забывает

А моя печаль – как вечный снег

Не тает, не тает

Не тает она и летом

В полуденный зной

И знаю я: печаль-тоску мне эту

Век носить с собой

The song "Svoi obidy kazhdyi chelovek" ("Everyone Forgets Their Grievances") by Vladimir Vysotsky explores the theme of all-consuming and inconsolable sorrow experienced by the lyrical hero. The author juxtaposes the fleeting nature of human memory, where offenses fade with time like snow in spring, with his own unchanging longing, which resembles eternal snows that do not melt even under the scorching sun.

The comparison of sorrow to snow is multifaceted. Snow is associated with coldness, colorlessness, numbness - all of which metaphorically convey the state of the hero, gripped by grief. The inability of snow to melt even in summer, in the very heat, emphasizes not just the depth but also the eternity of the lyrical "I's" experiences.

The phrase "And I know: this grief and longing // I will carry with me for a lifetime" sounds like a sentence, like an awareness of one's own doom to eternal suffering.

The meaning of the text lies in the fact that there are experiences that leave an indelible mark on a person's soul. Time, capable of healing many wounds, is powerless in the face of such sadness. It becomes an integral part of the personality, an eternal companion that is impossible to get rid of.

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