The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Candlelight Romance" (Romans pri svechah) the performer of the song "Vladimir Vysotsky"

She was pure, like winter snow,

(In mud - sables, - walk on them by right)

But now her letter burns my hands,

I learn the agonizing truth...

I did not know: humility is only a mask,

And the masquerade will end now.

Yes, this time I have suffered a fiasco,

I hope this was the last time.

I thought: my days are numbered,

Bad blood has penetrated my veins,

I squeezed the letter like the head of a snake,

Through my fingers seeped the poison of betrayal.

I will not know suffering and agony,

The oncoming wind will wipe away my tears,

Resentment will not overtake my horses,

A blizzard will not cover my tracks.

So, I leave behind,

Under this gray, unsightly sky,

The intoxication of violets, the nudity of carnations,

And tears mixed with melted snow.

Moscow does not believe in tears and weeping,

And I do not intend to cry anymore.

I hasten towards new battles,

And, as always, I intend to win!

Она была чиста, как снег зимой

В грязь - соболя, - иди по ним по праву

Но вот мне руки жжет ея письмо

Я узнаю мучительную правду...

Не ведал я: смиренье - только маска

И маскарад закончится сейчас,

Да, в этот раз я потерпел фиаско

Надеюсь, это был последний раз

Подумал я: дни сочтены мои

Дурная кровь в мои проникла вены,

Я сжал письмо как голову змеи

Сквозь пальцы просочился яд измены

Не ведать мне страданий и агоний,

Мне встречный ветер слезы оботрет

Моих коней обида не нагонит

Моих следов метель не заметет

Итак, я оставляю позади

Под этим серым неприглядным небом

Дурман фиалок, наготу гвоздик

И слезы вперемешку с талым снегом

Москва слезам не верит и слезинкам

И не намерен больше я рыдать,

Спешу навстречу новым поединкам

И, как всегда, намерен побеждать!

Vladimir Vysotsky's song "Romance by Candlelight" depicts the lyrical hero experiencing the drama of betrayal. The lyrics are full of metaphors and contrasts that convey the depth of his emotions.

"She was as pure as the snow in winter" – this line creates an image of an ideal, immaculate woman. But already in the next line, "Into the mud – sables – go, walk on them by right," dissonance appears. Sables, a symbol of luxury, find themselves in the mud, hinting at a fall, a loss of purity. The hero, having learned the truth from a letter ("her letter burns my hands"), realizes that he was deceived, meekness and humility were just a mask.

He admits his defeat ("Yes, this time I suffered a fiasco"), but does not give up. The hero's feelings are strong and painful: "Bad blood has penetrated my veins," "The poison of betrayal seeped through my fingers." The comparison of the letter to a snake's head emphasizes the danger and destructiveness of truth.

However, despite the pain, the hero does not intend to show his weakness. He seems to challenge fate: "I will not know suffering and agony," "Resentment will not overtake my horses." The image of a blizzard covering up the tracks speaks of the hero's desire to leave the past behind and move on.

The finale of the song sounds like a hymn to courage and resilience. The hero says goodbye to illusions ("the intoxication of violets," "the nakedness of carnations"), replacing them with determination and a thirst for new victories: "I hasten towards new battles / And, as always, I intend to win!"

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