The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Guys, write me a letter." (Rebyata, napischite mne pismo) the performer of the song "Vladimir Vysotsky"

My first term, I couldn't bear the weight, -

A year they'll add, perhaps even four...

My friends, write me a letter, don't be late:

How are things in your free world, tell me more.

What do you drink? We hardly drink at all.

Here - only snow, though sun shines bright above...

Write me about everything, big or small,

Because here nothing ever seems to move.

I miss you all so very, very much -

I long to see your faces, dear and kind!

How is Nadya, who's she with, out of touch?

Alone? - then let her write too, peace of mind.

Perhaps, only the Last Judgment is worse!

Your letter - a lifeline in this place so grim -

They might not give it to me, a cruel curse,

But write anyway, my friends, write to him!

Мой первый срок я выдержать не смог, -

Мне год добавят, может быть - четыре...

Ребята, напишите мне письмо:

Как там дела в свободном вашем мире?

Что вы там пьете? Мы почти не пьем.

Здесь - только снег при солнечной погоде...

Ребята, напишите обо всем,

А то здесь ничего не происходит!

Мне очень-очень не хватает вас, -

Хочу увидеть милые мне рожи!

Как там Надюха, с кем она сейчас?

Одна? - тогда пускай напишет тоже.

Страшней, быть может, - только Страшный суд!

Письмо мне будет уцелевшей нитью, -

Его, быть может, мне не отдадут,

Но все равно, ребята, напишите!..

The song "Guys, Write Me a Letter" by Vladimir Vysotsky tells a story of a lyrical hero addressing his friends from prison. The lyrics are saturated with longing for freedom, loved ones, and the life he left behind.

From the very first lines, "I couldn't bear my first term, / They might add a year, maybe even four..." we understand the gravity of the hero's situation. He is devastated, and the future appears bleak and hopeless.

The yearning for connection with the outside world, with the "free" space, translates into a plea: "Guys, write me a letter: / How are things in your free world?" For him, these are not just words - it's a breath of fresh air, an opportunity to momentarily escape confinement and feel like a part of the life that continues without him.

The questions he asks are simple and mundane: "What are you drinking there?", "How is Nadya, who is she with now?". But these simple questions encompass the entire spectrum of the hero's emotions. He longs for simple human joys, for communication, for love. The phrase "Here - only snow in sunny weather..." sounds metaphorical, emphasizing emotional coldness and loneliness.

The letter for the lyrical hero is not just information, it is a "surviving thread" connecting him to the past, to hope. The final lines "They might not give it to me, / But write anyway, guys!.." ring with a plea, almost despair. Even if the letter doesn't reach him, the very fact of its existence, the knowledge that his friends remember and think about him, will give the hero the strength to live and wait.

Thus, the lyrics of "Guys, Write Me a Letter" are a poignant confession of longing for freedom, simple human happiness, and hope.

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