The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Little river" (Rechechka) the performer of the song "Vladimir Vysotsky"

A little river flows, flows on the sand,

Washes the bank, washes the little bank.

And the young rogue, oh, the young rogue,

Is my boss.

And the young rogue, oh, the young rogue,

Is my boss.

Oh, you, boss, over the bosses,

Let me go, let me go free.

There, she misses me, or maybe got in trouble,

Drolya, in the wild.

There, she misses me, or maybe got in trouble,

Drolya, in the wild.

I would let you go free,

But you will steal, you will steal.

Go drink some water, water, cold water,

You will forget about love.

Drink some cold water,

You will forget about love.

Yes, I drank water, oh, I drank cold water,

I drank, drank, drank, but didn't get drunk.

And I fell in love with a girl in the wild,

I enjoyed myself with her.

They carry a coffin, they lead a horse,

No one sheds a tear, no one mourns,

And a young girl

Buries the rogue.

A little river flows, flows

Течет, течет реченька, да по песочеку,

Бережок моет, бережочек моет.

А молодой жульман, ой да молодой жульман

Начальничка мой.

А молодой жульман, ой да молодой жульман

Начальничка мой.

Ой ты, начальничек, да над начальниками,

Отпусти, отпусти на волю.

Там соскучилась, а может ссучилась

На свободе Дроля.

Там соскучилась, а может ссучилась

На свободе Дроля.

Отпустил бы тебя на волю я,

Но воровать, воровать ты будешь.

Пойди напейся ты воды, воды, воды холодненькой,

Про любовь забудешь.

Ты напейся воды холодненькой,

Про любовь забудешь.

Да пил я воду, ой пил холодную,

Пил, пил, пил, не напивался.

А полюбил на свободе девчонку я,

С нею наслаждался.

Гроб несут, коня ведут

Никто слезы, никто не проронит,

А молодая девчоночка

Жульмана хоронит.

Течет, течет, течет реченька, да по песочеку,

Моет, моет золотишко.

А молодой жульман, молодой жульман

Заработал вышку.

Течет реченька, да по песочеку,

Бережок моет, бережочек мочит.

А молодая да проституточка,

В речке ножки мочит.

А молодая да проституточка,

В речке ножки мочит.

Vladimir Vysotsky's song "The Little River" is an allegorical story about human destiny, the choice between good and evil, and the inevitability of punishment.


The Little River: A symbol of the flow of life, time, and fate. It flows without stopping, washing away everything in its path.

The Young Thug: The lyrical hero of the song, a criminal, perhaps a thief ("earned a high-security prison"). He is young, full of energy, but has chosen the wrong path.

Drolya: The thug's lover, a symbol of freedom, love, and temptation.

The Boss: A symbol of authority, law, and conscience. He keeps the thug imprisoned.


The song begins with a description of an idyllic landscape - a river flowing, washing its banks. Against this backdrop, a drama unfolds: the young thug languishes in prison and asks his boss to release him to his beloved Drolya. The boss hesitates, knowing about the thug's criminal inclinations. In the end, he releases him, but warns him of the consequences. The thug, once free, forgets about the warnings and plunges back into his old ways ("drank, drank, couldn't get enough," "fell in love with a girl on the outside"). In the final verse of the song, the thug dies, and a young girl, possibly Drolya, buries him.


"The Little River" is a reflection on the price of freedom and responsibility for one's choices. The thug, having received a chance to start a new life, did not take advantage of it, continuing to walk the path of evil. The ending of the song is tragic: the thug dies without repenting of his sins.

Important Points:

The contrast between the images of the river and the thug: the river flows forever, while a person's life is finite.

The motif of temptation: Drolya is a symbol of freedom and love, but also of the temptation that destroys the thug.

The ending of the song: the thug's death is not only punishment for his crimes but also a symbol of the collapse of hopes for redemption.

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