The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Mrs. Rebus's Romance" (Romans missis Rebus) the performer of the song "Vladimir Vysotsky"


Above the dark blue waves

An unassuming flock,


But I have no companions in this flock -


I fly, apart from all,

A lonely seagull,-

And glides beneath me

My faithful companion -

My white silhouette.

But my wing grows weaker, weaker -

I descend lower and lower,-

I no longer see my reflection -

The sea is covered with mud.

Will no one come

To fly beside the white bird?

Will no one dare -

Will no one save me?


Will leave my body -

And into the salty dust I

Will throw

My exhausted and frightened corpse.

Wings -

Already above the water itself,

My poor wings!

The windy, evil wind

Only plays with me,

Merciless and cruel.

Will no one come

To fly beside the white bird?

Will no one dare -

Will no one save me?

My heart beats beneath my left shoulder,

I descend lower and lower,

But already I see my savior -

It is an angel with the cherished key.


Mad violinist, sing,

Play us a farewell!


The sun will set and my companion will become invisible.

The seagull

Will fly into the abyss forever -

To unsolved mysteries,-

I will dissolve into myself,

I will merge forever

With my silhouette.

But my wing grows weaker, weaker -

I descend lower and lower,-

I no longer see my reflection -

The sea is covered with mud.

My heart beats beneath my left shoulder,

I descend lower and lower,

But already I see my savior -

It is an angel with the cherished key.


Над темно-синей волной

Неприметная стайка,


Но у меня в этой стае попутчиков нет -


Лечу, отдельно от всех,

Одинокая чайка,-

И скользит подо мной

Спутник преданный мой -

Белый мой силуэт.

Но слабеет, слабеет крыло -

Я снижаюсь все ниже и ниже,-

Я уже отраженья не вижу -

Море тиною заволокло.

Неужели никто не придет,

Чтобы рядом лететь с белой птицей?

Неужели никто не решится -

Неужели никто не спасет?


Оставят тело мое -

И в соленую пыль я


Свой обессиленный и исстрадавшийся труп.

Крылья -

Уже над самой водой,

Мои бедные крылья!

Ветер ветреный, злой

Лишь играет со мной,

Беспощаден и груб.

Неужели никто не придет,

Чтобы рядом лететь с белой птицей?

Неужели никто не решится -

Неужели никто не спасет?

Бьется сердце под левым плечом,

Я спускаюсь все ниже и ниже,

Но уже и спасителя вижу -

Это ангел с заветным ключом.


Скрипач безумный, пропой,

На прощанье сыграй нам!


Погаснет солнце и спутник мой станет незрим.


Влетит в пучину навек -

К неразгаданным тайнам,-

Я в себе растворюсь,

Я навеки сольюсь

С силуэтом своим.

Но слабеет, слабеет крыло -

Я снижаюсь все ниже и ниже,-

Я уже отраженья не вижу -

Море тиною заволокло.

Бьется сердце под левым плечом,

Я спускаюсь все ниже и ниже,

Но уже и спасителя вижу -

Это ангел с заветным ключом.

In Vladimir Vysotsky's "Romance of Mrs. Rebus," the metaphorical image of a flying seagull hides a deep existential meaning.

The main character, Mrs. Rebus, appears before us lonely and tired. Her flight "low, separate from all" symbolizes a life journey full of alienation and misunderstanding. The "white silhouette" - a reflection in the water - can be interpreted as a reflection of her true essence, her soul, which still strives for the light.

Gradually, Mrs. Rebus's strength leaves her, "the wing weakens," and she finds herself captive to hopelessness ("the sea is covered with mud"). Her desperate cry for help ("Will no one come...") is addressed not so much to those around her as to herself, to her inner reserves.

At this critical moment, the image of an "angel with a cherished key" appears - a symbol of hope and salvation. It is important to note that the angel does not come from outside, but arises as if from within the heroine ("I see the savior"). This suggests that salvation is possible only through inner transformation, through finding faith and strength of spirit.

The finale of the romance is permeated with an atmosphere of tragedy and grandeur. Mrs. Rebus accepts her fate, dissolving into the "unsolved mysteries" of being. Her merging with the "silhouette" is not death in the literal sense, but rather a transformation, a transition to a different state, where there is no loneliness and pain.

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