The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Private Borisov!..." (Ryadovoy Borisov!...) the performer of the song "Vladimir Vysotsky"

"Just as I warned him!

At the first shout of 'Who goes there?' he started joking,

at the shot in the air, he yelled: 'Stop fooling around!'

I hesitated for a moment and, without entering into an argument,

I spat out my cigarette butt - and shot him point-blank."

"Stop it, private, tell us the truth - it will be better for you!

You would have recognized him a mile away..."

"It was foggy - I couldn't see - dark, clouds in the sky -

Someone was walking - I shouted into the darkness.

At the first shout of 'Who goes there?' he started joking,

at the shot in the air, he yelled: 'Stop fooling around!'

I hesitated for a moment and, without entering into an argument,

I spat out my cigarette butt - and shot him point-blank."

"Private Borisov," the investigator tormented again, "you will be court-martialed!"

"I was at my post - it was raining, foggy, and cloudy,"

I repeated stubbornly.

"At the first shout of 'Who goes there?' he started joking,

at the shot in the air, he yelled: 'Stop fooling around!'

I hesitated for a moment and, without entering into an argument,

I spat out my cigarette butt - and shot him point-blank."

... A year ago - and I don't forget offenses easily -

We had a little falling-out at the mine,

Although, a heart-to-heart conversation didn't quite happen:

A jackhammer got in the way.

At the cry of my soul 'Leave her alone!' he started joking,

At my punch, he yelled: 'Stop fooling around!'

I hesitated for a moment - I was offended, angry -

I spat out my cigarette butt, threw the knife, and left.

My happiness that he turned out to be tenacious!

Well, and I - I was just doing my duty.

It's true, after all - it was raining, foggy, clouds were floating in the sky...

According to the regulations - I fired correctly!

At the first shout of 'Who goes there?' he started joking,

at the shot in the air, he yelled: 'Stop fooling around!'

I hesitated for a moment and, without entering into an argument,

I spat out my cigarette butt - and shot him point-blank."

"Я держался из последних сил":

Только я его предупредил!

На первый окрик "Кто идет?" он стал шутить,

на выстрел в воздух закричал: "Кончай дурить!"

Я чуть замешкался и, не вступая в спор,

Чинарик выплюнул - и выстрелил в упор."

"Бросьте, рядовой, давайте правду, - вам же лучше!

Вы б его узнали за версту..."

"Был туман - узнать не мог - темно, на небе тучи, -

Кто-то шел - я крикнул в темноту.

На первый окрик "Кто идет?" он стал шутить,

на выстрел в воздух закричал: "Кончай дурить!"

Я чуть замешкался и, не вступая в спор,

Чинарик выплюнул - и выстрелил в упор."

"Рядовой Борисов, - снова следователь мучил, -

Попадете вы под трибунал!"

"Я был на посту - был дождь, туман, и были тучи, -

Снова я упрямо повторял.-

На первый окрик "Кто идет?" он стал шутить,

На выстрел в воздух закричал: "Кончай дурить!"

Я чуть замешкался и, не вступая в спор,

Чинарик выплюнул - и выстрелил в упор."

...Год назад - а я обид не забываю скоро -

В шахте мы повздорили чуток, -

Правда, по душам не получилось разговора:

Нам мешал отбойный молоток.

На крик души "Оставь ее!" он стал шутить,

На мой удар он закричал: "Кончай дурить!"

Я чуть замешкался - я был обижен, зол, -

Чинарик выплюнул, нож бросил и ушел.

Счастие мое, что оказался он живучим!.

Ну а я - я долг свой выполнял.

Правда ведь, - был дождь, туман, по небу плыли тучи...

По уставу - правильно стрелял!

На первый окрик "Кто идет?" он стал шутить,

На выстрел в воздух закричал: "Кончай дурить!"

Я чуть замешкался и, не вступая в спор,

Чинарик выплюнул - и выстрелил в упор."

The song "Private Borisov" by Vladimir Vysotsky tells the story of a soldier on guard duty who shoots and kills a man. In his testimony to the investigator, Borisov describes the situation as an accident due to poor visibility. He repeats the same phrases like a memorized mantra: "It was foggy... At the first shout 'Who goes there?' he started joking... I hesitated for a moment and, without entering into an argument, spat out my cigarette butt - and shot point-blank."

However, as the song progresses, details emerge that cast doubt on Borisov's truthfulness. It turns out that a year ago he had a conflict with the deceased. And although Borisov claims to have forgiven the offense, the repeated phrases about the victim's jokes and his own actions suggest revenge.

The ending of the song leaves a depressing impression. Borisov, justifying himself, clings to formalities ("...I was doing my duty... I shot according to the regulations!"), but his words sound false. He hides behind the fog and the regulations, but the listener is left with the chilling suspicion that Private Borisov took justice into his own hands.

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