The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Such is the thief's lot..." (Takova uj vorovskaya dolya…) the performer of the song "Vladimir Vysotsky"

Such is the thief's fate,

In our life it often happens this way:

We part with freedom forever,

But our brother never despairs.

Maybe life is preparing death for me,

The sun's ray will rarely shine in the sky.

My dear, they don't catch ravens, you see,

Only nightingales - sit in cages, like I.

Такова уж воровская доля,

В нашей жизни часто так бывает:

Мы навеки расстаемся с волей,

Но наш брат нигде не унывает.

Может, жизнь погибель мне готовит,

Солнца луч блеснет на небе редко.

Дорогая, ведь ворон не ловят,

Только соловьи - сидим по клеткам.

The lyrics of Vladimir Vysotsky's song "Такова уж воровская доля…" paint a picture of a lyrical hero who is likely imprisoned or anticipating imprisonment.

The first verse sets the tone for the entire piece:

"Такова уж воровская доля" ("Such is the thief's fate") - This is not just a statement of fact, but a fatalistic acceptance of one's destiny, which is predetermined.

"В нашей жизни часто так бывает" ("This often happens in our life") - A generalization that suggests the hero is not alone in his situation.

"Мы навеки расстаемся с волей" ("We part with freedom forever") - The key phrase, speaking of deprivation of freedom, both physical and, possibly, spiritual.

"Но наш брат нигде не унывает" ("But our brother never loses heart") - A manifestation of fortitude, an attempt to maintain dignity and hope even in the most difficult circumstances.

The second verse develops the theme, adding notes of bitterness and tragedy:

"Может, жизнь погибель мне готовит" ("Maybe life is preparing death for me") - The hero is aware of the possibility of a fatal outcome.

"Солнца луч блеснет на небе редко" ("The sun's ray will rarely shine in the sky") - A metaphor describing the gloom and hopelessness of his situation.

"Дорогая, ведь ворон не ловят" ("Darling, they don't catch ravens") - An appeal to his beloved, comparing himself to a free raven that cannot be caught.

"Только соловьи - сидим по клеткам" ("Only nightingales - we sit in cages") - Bitter irony, comparing himself to a nightingale, a singer of freedom, imprisoned in a cage. This metaphor underlines the tragic paradox: talent and thirst for freedom are trapped by circumstances.

The song is imbued with an atmosphere of hopelessness, but it also contains cheerfulness, fortitude, and an unwillingness to give up. Vysotsky masterfully conveys the tragedy of human destiny using vivid imagery and metaphors.

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