The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Sons are going to battle." (Syinovya uhodyat v boy) the performer of the song "Vladimir Vysotsky"

Today there's no sound of heartbeats,

They're for alleys and gazebos to keep.

I'm falling, catching lead in my chest,

Managing to think one last thought:

"This time I won't return,

I'm leaving, another will come."

We didn't have time, didn't have time to look back,

But our sons, but our sons are going into battle.

Someone, having decided: "After us, even a flood,"

Stepped out of the trench like into an abyss,

And I left my trench for this very reason,

So that there would be no flood at all.

Now my eyes will close,

I will embrace the earth tightly.

We didn't have time, didn't have time to look back,

But our sons, but our sons are going into battle.

Who will replace me, who will go on the attack?

Who will reach the cherished bridge?

And I wished: let it be that one,

Dressed in clothes too big for him.

I manage to smile,

I saw who will come after me.

We didn't have time, didn't have time to look back,

But our sons, but our sons are going into battle.

Explosions drowned out the beating of hearts,

But mine - it was beating loudly for me,

That my end is not yet the end:

The end is someone else's beginning.

Now my eyes will close,

I'm leaving - another will come.

We didn't have time, didn't have time to look back,

But our sons, but our sons are going into battle.

Сегодня не слышно биенья сердец -

Оно для аллей и беседок.

Я падаю, грудью хватая свинец,

Подумать успев напоследок:

"На этот раз мне не вернуться,

Я ухожу, придет другой".

Мы не успели, не успели оглянуться,

А сыновья, а сыновья уходят в бой.

Вот кто-то решив: "После нас - хоть потоп",

Как в пропасть, шагнул из окопа,

А я для того свой покинул окоп,

Чтоб не было вовсе потопа.

Сейчас глаза мои сомкнутся,

Я крепко обнимусь с землей.

Мы не успели, не успели оглянуться,

А сыновья, а сыновья уходят в бой.

Кто сменит меня, кто в атаку пойдет?

Кто выйдет к заветному мосту?

И мне захотелось: пусть будет вон тот,

Одетый во всё не по росту.

Я успеваю улыбнуться,

Я видел, кто придет за мной.

Мы не успели, не успели оглянуться,

А сыновья, а сыновья уходят в бой.

Разрывы глушили биенье сердец,

Мое же - мне громко стучало,

Что все же конец мой - еще не конец:

Конец - это чье-то начало.

Сейчас глаза мои сомкнутся,

Я ухожу - придет другой.

Мы не успели, не успели оглянуться,

А сыновья, а сыновья уходят в бой.

The song "Sons Go to War" by Vladimir Vysotsky depicts a battle scene through the eyes of a dying soldier. The lyrical hero, having received a fatal wound, reflects on his own fate and the fate of those who continue to fight.

Self-Sacrifice and Continuity of Generations:

The main meaning of the song lies in the idea of self-sacrifice for the sake of future generations. The hero realizes the inevitability of his death ("This time I will not return, I am leaving, another will come"), but finds solace in the fact that others will take his place, young fighters – "sons." He contrasts himself with those who act on the principle of "after us, the deluge", emphasizing that his sacrifice is aimed at preventing this "deluge".

Faith in the Future:

Despite the tragedy of the situation, the song traces a belief in the future. The hero sees how he is being replaced by "the one dressed all out of size" - a young, inexperienced but determined fighter. The hero's smile at the moment of death testifies that he dies with a calm soul, knowing that his work will be continued.

The Cyclicity of Life and Death:

The song sounds the idea of the cyclical nature of life and death. The death of a hero is not just an end, but "someone's beginning." The beating of his heart, drowned out by explosions, becomes a symbol of the continuity of life, an echo passing the baton of struggle to a new generation.

Anti-War Message:

It is important to note that, despite the heroic pathos, the song carries a strong anti-war message. The repeating phrase "We didn’t have time, we didn’t have time to look back, and the sons, and the sons are going to war" sounds like a bitter reproach to the war, which mercilessly cuts short lives and condemns to death more and more new generations.

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