The meaning of the lyrics of the song "The counter is clicking." (Schetchik schelkaet) the performer of the song "Vladimir Vysotsky"

He kept repeating: "She's mine!"

"You're joking, friend, you must be joking!

Get lost, kid, you're way too drunk,

You're looking for trouble, friend, you're asking for it!"

But he yelled: "I don't care anymore!

Get in the taxi, let's go for a ride!

Let the meter tick, it doesn't even matter,

We'll have to settle up at the end of the ride."

I don't feel sorry for guys like him.

"Get out while you can!" I tell him again,

But he turns to me, and it's all about her...

"Shut your mouth, you bastard, don't you dare say a word!"

Blood and wine rushed to my temples,

And, still smiling,

I quietly told him: "It doesn't matter,

We'll have to settle up at the end of the ride."

I'm deaf to tears, deaf to pleas -

I'm itching for a fight, oh how I'm itching!

And whether you like it or not, my friend,

You'll pay the bill, friend, you'll pay the bill!...

And life flashes by like a silent film -

I feel good, I want to laugh -

And the meter clicks and clicks, but it doesn't matter,

We'll have to settle up at the end of the ride...

Твердил он нам: "Моя она!",

"Да ты смеешься, друг, да ты смеешься!

Уйди, пацан, - ты очень пьян, -

А то нарвешься, друг, гляди, нарвешься!"

А он кричал: "Теперь мне все одно!

Садись в такси - поехали кататься!

Пусть счетчик щелкает, пусть все равно

В конце пути придется рассчитаться".

Не жалко мне таких парней.

"Ты от греха уйди!" - твержу я снова,

А он - ко мне, и все - о ней...

"А ну - ни слова, гад, гляди, ни слова!"

Ударила в виски мне кровь с вином -

И, так же продолжая улыбаться,

Ему сказал я тихо: "Все равно

В конце пути придется рассчитаться!"

К слезам я глух и к просьбам глух -

В охоту драка мне, ох как в охоту!

И хочешь, друг, не хочешь, друг, -

Плати по счету, друг, плати по счету!..

А жизнь мелькает, как в немом кино, -

Мне хорошо, мне хочется смеяться, -

А счетчик - щелк да щелк, - да все равно

В конце пути придется рассчитаться...

Vladimir Vysotsky's song "The Meter Clicks" carries a profound philosophical message about the inevitability of paying for one's actions and the fleeting nature of life.

The main character, blinded by passion and alcohol, ignores the voice of reason and is ready for anything for the sake of momentary desire. He disregards his friend's warnings about potential consequences; he cares neither for someone else's happiness nor for his own safety. He is obsessed with only one thing - getting his own way at any cost. The phrase "Let the meter click, it doesn't matter / At the end of the road, we'll have to pay" reflects his recklessness and unwillingness to think about the future.

The lyrical hero, observing this scene, experiences mixed feelings: pity for the young man, indignation at his behavior, and possibly his own pain from unrequited love. He tries to reason with his rival, but in vain. As a result, anger and resentment prevail, and the hero gets into a fight.

The image of the "meter" that relentlessly "clicks" throughout the song symbolizes time. Life flashes by like frames in a silent movie, and a person is powerless to stop its course. At the end of the road, each of us faces a reckoning for all the decisions and actions taken during our lifetime. And it doesn't matter whether you were happy or unhappy, loved or hated - you will have to answer for everything.

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