The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Prospector's. A Friend's Letter" (Staratelskaya. Pismo druga) the performer of the song "Vladimir Vysotsky"

My friend is doing alright - he's got himself a job, you see,

He's tied up his newspaper with string:

My friend's panning for gold in a team,

I got a letter from him today.

He writes that the work - isn't much,

Like sticking slogans on a building:

"The State will have its little gold,

And the prospector - his workday!"

He says: "I won't deny

That I came here for the rubles..."

He says: "With a little effort,

I can return a king!"

He wrote that he's becoming more hardened.

"Friend," he writes, "remember this:

Gold is always heavier

And always sinks to the bottom.

Gold sinks - even with an axe handle,

So why are you glum, despondent, and down?

Don't worry: if you're sinking, my friend,

It means there's a gold prospector in you too!"

He writes in a hurry, without pause:

"If there's mud and sand above you,

Know this: life is washing away

The golden grains with living water..."

He scolds me: "Why don't you write?!

I know you're sinking, I know you're melancholic,

But still, gold is gold, you hear!

People will carefully lift you from the rug..."

My friend stands at the pump and precisely

Separates the silt from the gold...

...I swallowed the letter like a pill,

And now I'm not afraid to drown!

I'm becoming more stubborn, more straightforward,

Let the water run its course,

For prospectors, it's all a lottery,

But there will always be prospectors!

Друг в порядке - он, словом, при деле,

Завязал он с газетой тесьмой:

Друг мой золото моет в артели,

Получил я сегодня письмо

Пишет он, что работа - не слишком.

Словно лозунги клеит на дом:

"Государство будет с золотишком

А старатель будет - с трудоднем!"

Говорит: "Не хочу отпираться

Что поехал сюда за рублем..."

Говорит: "Если чуть постараться

То вернуться могу королем!"

Написал, что становится злее

"Друг, - он пишет, - запомни одно:

Золотишко всегда тяжелее

И всегда оседает на дно

Тонет золото - хоть с топорищем

Что ж ты скис, захандрил и поник?

Не боись: если тонешь, дружище,

Значит, есть и в тебе золотник!"

Пишет он второпях, без запинки:

"Если грязь и песок над тобой

Знай: то жизнь золотые песчинки

Отмывает живящей водой..."

Он ругает меня: "Что ж не пишешь?!

Знаю - тонешь, и знаю - хандра,

Все же золото - золото, слышишь!

Люди бережно снимут с ковра..."

Друг стоит на насосе и в метку

Отбивает от золота муть

...Я письмо проглотил как таблетку

И теперь не боюсь утонуть!

Становлюсь я упрямей, прямее,

Пусть бежит по колоде вода,

У старателей - все лотерея

Но старатели будут всегда!

The poem "The Prospector's Song" by Vladimir Vysotsky explores the themes of friendship, resilience, and finding one's place in life. The lyrical hero receives a letter from his friend, who left to seek his fortune as a gold prospector.

The friend's letter is full of optimism and faith in success despite the challenging working conditions. He compares his work to a lottery, where the prize is not only wealth but also the opportunity to assert oneself, to become a "king."

The image of gold in the poem is multifaceted. On the one hand, it symbolizes material well-being, which the hero's friend strives for. On the other hand, gold is a metaphor for a person's inner qualities, their strength of spirit, and ability to overcome difficulties.

The phrase "Gold is always heavier and always sinks to the bottom" carries a deep philosophical meaning. It suggests that true values are not found on the surface; one has to search for them and put in the effort.

The friend encourages the lyrical hero not to lose heart, to fight against adversity, because "if you're drowning, my friend, it means there's a gold piece in you too!". He believes that life, like "living water," can wash away the "golden grains" of the human soul from the "dirt and sand" of problems and failures.

The friend's letter becomes a real cure, a "pill" for despair for the lyrical hero. It inspires hope in him and makes him believe in his own strength.

The finale of the poem sounds like a hymn to resilience and courage. "Prospectors will always be!" the hero affirms, emphasizing that there will always be people who are ready to fight for their dreams, overcoming any obstacles.

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