The meaning of the lyrics of the song "The dark night silently lowered its gaze..." (Tyomnaya noch molchalivo potupilas...) the performer of the song "Vladimir Vysotsky"

The dark night silently frowned,

Stars wearily burrowed into the gloom.

"What are you whispering?" - "To sigh, if only I could, my love,

Believe me, I can't go on anymore."

The wind sings its useless song,

Somewhere a stream rushes hurriedly,

Night spread heavily over the abyss,

Your voice sounds quiet and strange.

Everything grows quiet, I don't know if I'll wake up,

I hear the heart's intermittent beat,

Strength is leaving, and again, a convulsion.

Night, silence, everything has fallen silent around.

Темная ночь молчаливо насупилась,

Звезды устало зарылись во мглу.

Ну, что ты шепчешь? - "Вздохнуть бы, измучилась,

Милый, поверь, больше я не могу".

Ветер поет свою песнь бесполезную,

Где-то ручей торопливо журчит,

Ночь тяжело распласталась над бездною,

Голос твой тихо и странно звучит.

Все затихает, не знаю, проснусь ли я,

Слышится сердца прерывистый стук,

Силы уходят, и снова конвульсия.

Ночь, тишина, все затихло вокруг.

Vladimir Vysotsky's poem "The dark night silently frowned..." creates an oppressive atmosphere of despair and inner struggle of the lyrical hero. The night here is not just a time of day, but a metaphor for a heavy emotional state.

Images and their meaning:

"The dark night silently frowned": personification of the night, endowing it with human traits - gloom, depression. This creates a feeling of hopelessness, an oppressive atmosphere.

"Stars wearily buried themselves in darkness": stars, usually associated with hope and light, are hidden here, defeated by darkness.

"Let me breathe, I'm exhausted, ... I can't take it anymore": direct speech, possibly addressed to the lyrical hero, conveys despair and fatigue, being driven to the limit.

"The wind sings its useless song": the song of the wind, usually associated with freedom and romance, is useless here, brings no relief.

"The night lay heavily over the abyss": the night is likened to a living being, which with its weight presses on the lyrical hero, emphasizing the depth of his despair.

"Your voice sounds quiet and strange": the voice, usually a symbol of connection and comfort, sounds "strange" here, alienated, not bringing the expected comfort.

"The heart's intermittent beat is heard, Strength is leaving, and again a convulsion": physiological manifestations of mental struggle, growing despair, perhaps thoughts of death.

Main idea:

The poem conveys a feeling of hopelessness, a dead end. The lyrical hero is on the verge, he is exhausted, his strength is running out. The nature around him, personified in the image of the night, reflects his inner state. The ending of the poem remains open, leaving the reader in anxious anticipation.

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