The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Buried in our memory for centuries." (Zaryityi v naschu pamyat na veka) the performer of the song "Vladimir Vysotsky"

Dates, events, and faces,

Are buried in our memory for centuries,

And memory is as deep as a well.

Try to look inside - for sure

Even a face will reflect unclearly.

Only an impartial court

Can discern what is true and what is false:

Be careful with the past, be careful -

Don't break the clay vessel!

Sometimes, suddenly, it comes to mind

From the war, a couple of phrases -

For example, a sapper makes mistakes

Only once.

Some lazily stir it up,

Others are reluctant to remember,

And still others don't even want to remember -

And the past lies like an old treasure,

Which will never be unearthed.

And the stream of years carried away from the border

The arrows - pointers of the way, -

It is very easy to get lost in the past -

And there is no way back.

Therefore, to this day I remember

From the war, a couple of phrases -

For example, a sapper makes mistakes

Only once.

Don't blame in the heat of the moment - wait:

People have their reasons for everything -

They don't want to hide, but to forget -

After all, in the thick of years, they still lie in the shadows

And rusty mines are waiting for their hour.

Digging in the minefield of the past -

It is better to do it without mistakes - because,

Making mistakes in a minefield

Is simply absolutely useless.

Sometimes, suddenly, it comes to mind

From the war, a couple of phrases -

For example, a sapper makes mistakes

Only once.

One push - and the hands will run, -

And people's nerves are not made of rope, -

And there will be an explosion, and the fuse will be frayed...

But maybe they will find the mine in time

And remove the detonator before the explosion!

The earth sleeps peacefully under the flowers,

But they still find mines in it -

They take them with skillful hands

And detonate them away from people.

Sometimes, suddenly, it comes to mind

From the war, a couple of phrases, a couple of phrases -

For example, that a sapper is mistaken

Only once, only once.

Зарыты в нашу память на века

И даты, и события, и лица,

А память - как колодец глубока.

Попробуй заглянуть - наверняка

Лицо - и то - неясно отразится.

Разглядеть, что истинно, что ложно

Может только беспристрастный суд:

Осторожно с прошлым, осторожно -

Не разбейте глиняный сосуд!

Иногда как-то вдруг вспоминается

Из войны пара фраз -

Например, что сапер ошибается

Только раз.

Одни его лениво ворошат,

Другие неохотно вспоминают,

А третьи - даже помнить не хотят,-

И прошлое лежит, как старый клад,

Который никогда не раскопают.

И поток годов унес с границы

Стрелки - указатели пути,-

Очень просто в прошлом заблудиться -

И назад дороги не найти.

Потому до сих пор вспоминается

Из войны пара фраз -

Например, что сапер ошибается

Только раз.

С налета не вини - повремени:

Есть у людей на все свои причины -

Не скрыть, а позабыть хотят они,-

Ведь в толще лет еще лежат в тени

И часа ждут заржавленные мины.

В минном поле прошлого копаться -

Лучше без ошибок,- потому,

Что на минном поле ошибаться

Просто абсолютно ни к чему.

Иногда как-то вдруг вспоминается

Из войны пара фраз -

Например, что сапер ошибается

Только раз.

Один толчок - и стрелки побегут,-

А нервы у людей не из каната,-

И будет взрыв, и перетрется жгут...

Но, может, мину вовремя найдут

И извлекут до взрыва детонатор!

Спит земля спокойно под цветами,

Но еще находят мины в ней -

Их берут умелыми руками

И взрывают дальше от людей.

Иногда как-то вдруг вспоминается

Из войны пара фраз, пара фраз -

Например, что сапер ошибается

Только раз, только раз.

In his poem "Buried in our memory for centuries", Vladimir Vysotsky reflects on the nature of memory, the fragility of the past, and the importance of approaching it with caution. He compares memory to a deep well, where events, dates, and faces are kept in the mists of time, and even an attempt to look into it does not guarantee clarity.

The central image of the poem is the metaphor of a minefield, which transfers the author's reflections to the plane of human history, marked by wars and conflicts. The past, like a minefield, is fraught with unexploded ordnance – traumas, resentments, unspoken words – that can detonate from careless touch.

Vysotsky calls for caution in judgments about the past, reminding us that each person has their reasons for remembering or forgetting. It is important not to rush to conclusions, not to "break the clay vessel" of history, but to try to understand the motives of people who lived in a different time.

The recurring phrase "a sapper is mistaken only once" emphasizes the high cost of error when confronted with the past. One wrong move, one rash word can lead to irreparable consequences – both literally and figuratively.

The poem ends on a cautiously optimistic note, with the image of sappers carefully clearing the minefield of the past. This suggests that while the dangers of the past are real, it is possible to approach them with care and sensitivity, defusing the mines of trauma and creating a safer future.

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