The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Childhood Sketch" (Zarisovka iz detstva) the performer of the song "Vladimir Vysotsky"

Oh, time, like caviar -

You keep stretching it, Zhorachka!...

Remember - the cap, the forelock,

And bars till three?

And the little brunette, Norochka,

From building five - oh, what a doll,

You look - only five rubles,

And - all the way, up and down...

And all the Odessa crew...

Two thirty - a child's hour.

Where to go, guys, huh?

To the Gypsies' "float"!

Come with us, Verochka!

A Gypsy waltz!

Smooth your temples, Valerochka,

And tap your heel!

Remember those evenings

At Solina Marinochka's,

Two former ballerinas

Hanging out with boys?

Complete fatherlessness:

War, and Stalin's era too -

Which means - a time of knives,

And years - without renewal...

Everyone wearing standard-issue clothes -

Navy, prison style too,

And everyone has

Their connected buddies.

Then fathers would show up,

And wouldn't be pleased at all,

They'd deal with some, of course,

But even that - just a little bit...

Courtyards are full - imagine that! -

Tango grips our souls,

At least we have this to be happy about,

And besides, it's a time for mischief.

From "Malyshenka" - the rich kids,

With their stolen "bulletproof vests,"

Crumpled ten-ruble notes,

That's where Klesh stabbed me...

And Tolyan Rvany's

Buddy came back from "Zhelanny" prison -

Decided to start life anew,

He was cunning and bold,

And even at that age,

They were full of themselves,

He reveled in his pride -

And ended up behind bars again...

But everyone still scraped together a "hundred,"

And danced a bit of Chechotka,

And at night he took some cloth wrapping -

And pulled something off...

Mother can't sleep,

Head drooping all day long.

Sleep! Maybe something will come up,

It's not Barnaul, after all...

Ах, время как икорочка -

Все тянешь, тянешь, Жорочка!...

А помнишь - кепка, челочка

Да кабаки до трех?.

А черенькая Норочка

С подъезда пять - айсорочка,

Глядишь - всего пятерочка,

А - вдоль и поперек...

А вся братва одесская...

Два тридцать - время детское.

Куда, ребята, деться, а?

К цыганам в "поплавок"!

Пойдемте с нами, Верочка!.

Цыганская венгерочка!

Пригладь виски, Валерочка,

Да чуть примни сапог!.

А помнишь - вечериночки

У Солиной Мариночки,

Две бывших балериночки

В гостях у пацанов?.

Сплошная безотцовщина:

Война, да и ежовщина, -

А значит - поножовщина,

И годы - без обнов...

На всех клифты казенные -

И флотские, и зонные, -

И братья заблатненные

Имеются у всех.

Потом отцы появятся,

Да очень не понравятся, -

Кой с кем, конечно, справятся,

И то - от сих до сех...

Дворы полны - ну надо же! -

Танго хватает за души, -

Хоть этому, да рады же,

Да вот еще - нагул.

С Малюшенки - богатые,

Там - "шпанцири" подснятые,

Там и червонцы мятые,

Там Клещ меня пырнул...

А у Толяна Рваного

Братан пришел с "Желанного" -

И жить задумал наново,

А был хитер и смел, -

Да хоть и в этом возрасте,

А были позанозистей, -

Помыкался он в гордости -

И снова загремел...

А все же брали "соточку"

И бацали чечеточку, -

А ночью взял обмоточку -

И чтой-то завернул...

У матери - бессонница, -

Все сутки книзу клонится.

Спи! Вдруг чего обломится, -

Небось - не Барнаул...

The text "Sketch from Childhood" by Vladimir Vysotsky is a nostalgic and poignant look at the post-war childhood, full of hardship, danger, and premature adulthood.

The poem intertwines the lyrical hero's memories of carefree times ("Remember - cap, forelock, And taverns till three o'clock?") and the harsh reality ("Total fatherlessness: War, and Yezhovshchina").

The images of "caviar" being "stretched" and "five rubles" being "looked at along and across" convey an atmosphere of poverty and a constant search for livelihood. Children are forced to grow up early, finding themselves drawn into the criminal world ("And the whole Odessa gang... Where, guys, to go? To the Gypsies "to float"!").

The author uses vivid imagery and slang expressions ("Norochka", "Aiso Nochka", "Bratva", "Poplavok", "Zavzernul", "Sotochku", "Chechetka", "Obmochka"), which create a sense of authenticity and convey the flavor of the era.

The text contains allusions to the realities of the time: repressions ("Yezhovshchina"), camps ("state-owned cliffs", "zone"), the criminal world ("thug brothers").

Despite the difficulties, children find joy in simple things: dancing ("Courtyards are full - well, you have to! - Tango grabs the soul"), communication, dreams of a better life ("And Tolyan Rvany's brother came from "Zhelanny" - And decided to start life anew").

The final lines of the poem are filled with anxiety and compassion for the mother who does not sleep, worrying about her son ("The mother has insomnia, - She keeps drooping down all day. Sleep! What if something breaks, - It's not Barnaul...").

"Sketch from Childhood" is not just a memory, but a reflection of an entire era, its pain, fear, but also the thirst for life inherent in youth.

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