The meaning of the lyrics of the song "The giraffe is big." (Jiraf bolschoy) the performer of the song "Vladimir Vysotsky"

In yellow, scorching Africa,

In its central part,

Something quite extraordinary

Touched every heart, -

The Elephant announced one day:

“Looks like a flood is on its way!”

In short, it was like this: a Giraffe

Had fallen in love – with an Antelope calf!

Commotion and barking arose,

But an old Parrot chose

To shout out loud from the trees:

“Giraffe is big – he knows best, you see!”

“What if she has horns on her head? –

The Giraffe cried out with love and dread, –

Today in our fauna

Everyone’s equal by persona!

If my kith and kin

Won't be happy with her -

Don’t blame it on me,

I will leave the herd for sure!”

Commotion and barking arose,

But an old Parrot chose

To shout out loud from the trees:

“Giraffe is big – he knows best, you see!”

For Papa Antelope it was absurd:

To have such a son-in-law was unheard!

He wouldn't care, not a bit,

Hit him in the forehead – or with it!

The Giraffes' in-law would complain:

“Have you seen such a dope?!”

And so they went to live with the Bison clan,

The Giraffe and the Antelope as one.

Commotion and barking arose,

But an old Parrot chose

To shout out loud from the trees:

“Giraffe is big – he knows best, you see!”

In yellow, scorching Africa,

There’s no more peace, they say,

The Giraffe and his wife cry

Crocodile tears all day –

But there’s no help for their sorrow,

There is no law anymore:

Their daughter, alas, on the morrow

Married a Bison, what’s more!

...The Giraffe may have been wrong,

But it's not the Giraffe who should bear the throng,

But the one who shouted out loud from the trees:

“Giraffe is big – he knows best, you see!”

В желтой жаркой Африке,

В центральной ее части,

Как-то вдруг вне графика

Случилося несчастье, -

Слон сказал, не разобрав:

"Видно, быть потопу!."

В общем, так: один Жираф

Влюбился - в Антилопу!

Поднялся галдеж и лай, -

Только старый Попугай

Громко крикнул из ветвей:

"Жираф большой - ему видней!"

"Что же, что рога у ней, -

Кричал Жираф любовно, -

Нынче в нашей фауне

Равны все пороговно!

Если вся моя родня

Будет ей не рада -

Не пеняйте на меня, -

Я уйду из стада!"

Поднялся галдеж и лай, -

Только старый Попугай

Громко крикнул из ветвей:

"Жираф большой - ему видней!"

Папе Антилопьему

Зачем такого сына:

Все равно - что в лоб ему,

Что по лбу - всё едино!

И Жирафов зять брюзжит:

"Видали остолопа?!"

И ушли к Бизонам жить

С Жирафом Антилопа.

Поднялся галдеж и лай, -

Только старый Попугай

Громко крикнул из ветвей:

"Жираф большой - ему видней!"

В желтой жаркой Африке

Не видать идиллий -

Льют Жираф с Жирафихой

Слезы крокодильи, -

Только горю не помочь -

Нет теперь закона:

У Жирафов вышла дочь

Замуж - за Бизона!

...Пусть Жираф был неправ, -

Но виновен не Жираф,

А тот, кто крикнул из ветвей:

"Жираф большой - ему видней!"

Vladimir Vysotsky's poem "The Giraffe is Big" uses a humorous story to explore profound themes of free will, responsibility, and societal pressure.

The protagonist, a Giraffe, falls in love with an Antelope, causing a stir in the animal kingdom. His choice defies social norms, prompting outrage: "In our fauna, all are equal by horns!" The Giraffe, however, stands firm in his love and right to choose, even if it means breaking away from his familiar life.

The image of the old Parrot repeating "The Giraffe is big - he knows better!" plays a dual role. On the one hand, it supports the Giraffe's right to independence. On the other hand, it absolves the Giraffe of responsibility for his choices. It's as if he's given a free pass to act without considering the consequences.

The poem's ending is unexpected: the Giraffe's daughter marries a Bison. This suggests that blindly following the principle "The Giraffe is big - he knows better!" can have unpredictable and not always positive outcomes.

Through this seemingly simple tale, Vysotsky raises important questions: Should we always follow our own desires without considering the opinions of others? How important is personal freedom, and where does the line of responsibility for our actions lie? "The Giraffe is Big" is not just an amusing story about animals but a philosophical parable that remains relevant to this day.

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