The meaning of the lyrics of the song "There once lived a kind, simple soul." (Jil-byil dobryiy durachina-prostofilya) the performer of the song "Vladimir Vysotsky"

Once upon a time, there was a kind simpleton

Wherever the devils didn't take him!

But once, as luck would have it

Got lucky -

And ended up in a completely foreign kingdom

Tears hail - and so it should be

Don't sit back

On a mare


In the middle of a large field - lo and behold - three chairs, -

A simpleton stuck a needle in the liver area, -

Above - the inscription: "For guests"

"For princes"

And on the third - "Chair for royal blood"

Here he sat down on the first chair


Because he's at heart



As soon as the simpleton approached the chair

Immediately the servants brought intoxicating wines

The simpleton felt

A lot of strength -

Elegantly ate, had fun and joked

Look, take a look -

In wild power

Climbed onto the chair for the princes



And now the former kind simpleton

Felt that he was a responsible man, -

He began to give advice

Shouted rati

And almost decided to fight

Further - warm your hands more

If in power! -

Climbed onto the throne



Immediately hands reached for the seal

Immediately he began to stomp his feet and shout:

"Be you a prince, be you even

The Lord himself -

I'll just take it and order you to be executed!"

If only people at this moment

Were nearby -

They wouldn't say a compliment

To a simpleton


But this same simpleton was kind -

He wanted to issue a Decree on abundance...

Only the chair of such cases

Didn't tolerate:

How he shakes - and, obviously, he did not sit ...

And the good little one woke up


In my hayloft

As they gave birth, -


Жил-был добрый дурачина-простофиля

Куда только его черти не носили!

Но однажды, как назло

Повезло –

И в совсем чужое царство занесло

Слезы градом – так и надо

Не усаживайся задом

На кобыле


Посреди большого поля – глядь – три стула, –

Дурачину в область печени кольнуло, –

Сверху – надпись: "Для гостей"

"Для князей"

А на третьем – "Стул для царских кровей"

Вот на первый стул уселся


Потому что он у сердца



Только к стулу примостился дурачина

Сразу слуги принесли хмельные вина

Дурачина ощутил

Много сил –

Элегантно ел, кутил и шутил

Погляди-ка, поглазей –

В буйной силе

Взлез на стул для князей



И сейчас же бывший добрый дурачина

Ощутил, что он – ответственный мужчина, –

Стал советы отдавать

Крикнул рать

И почти уже решил воевать

Дальше – больше руки грей

Ежли в силе! –

Взлез на стул для королей



Сразу руки потянулися к печати

Сразу топать стал ногами и кричати:

"Будь ты князь, будь ты хоть

Сам господь –

Вот возьму и прикажу запороть!"

Если б люди в сей момент

Рядом были –

Не сказали б комплимент



Но был добрый этот самый простофиля –

Захотел издать Указ про изобилье...

Только стул подобных дел

Не терпел:

Как тряхнет – и, ясно, тот не усидел...

И очнулся добрый малый


У себя на сеновале

В чем родили, –


Vladimir Vysotsky's song "Жил-был добрый дурачина-простофиля" (There Once Was a Kind Simpleton) satirizes the thirst for power and how easily it can corrupt even the simplest and kindest person.

The main character, a simpleton, accidentally finds himself in a foreign kingdom and comes across three chairs meant for guests, princes, and royalty. First, he sits on the guest chair and enjoys the treats. Then, feeling a surge of energy, he moves to the prince's chair, starts giving advice, and prepares for war.

Finally, he climbs onto the king's chair and feels a thirst for absolute power. He is ready to command everyone, even God, and order executions. However, the chair does not tolerate such audacity and throws him off. The simpleton finds himself back in the hayloft where he belongs.

The meaning of the song lies in the idea that power is not only about privileges but also about immense responsibility. The pursuit of power without understanding its essence, without wisdom and responsibility, inevitably leads to downfall. The simpleton embodies the image of a person easily susceptible to temptations and unprepared for true power.

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