The meaning of the lyrics of the song "The Parted Duet" (Duet razluchyonnyih) the performer of the song "Vladimir Vysotsky"

The road broke the steppe in two,

And it's unclear where the path may end –

We walk the road on different sides

And cannot seem to cross to mend.

How many winters will this journey last?

Someone must take the risk, make it fast!

We need to talk – the crossroads are near –

Cross over, if it isn't clear!

The road, the road across the land –

A deep scar upon our destiny's hold –

Many have found a traveling hand

For a short while, but no hearts of gold.

A smirk, like trouble, will flash and fade,

The crossroads forever will divide…

Where are the words we need, who will say them first?

I missed the crossing, forever cursed.

A river! Salvation sent for us both –

We only need to reach out our hand…

But again, again, on separate decks we stand –

Give us a sign, make us understand!

The Volga wind, intoxicating and thick,

Whispers a hint, a guiding trick:

Time is short – hurry, don't wait for the end of the line –

Who will be the first to cross and make their heart entwine?

Дорога сломала степь напополам,

И неясно, где конец пути, -

По дороге мы идем по разным сторонам

И не можем ее перейти.

Сколько зим этот путь продлится?

Кто-то должен рискнуть, решиться!

Надо нам поговорить - перекресток недалек, -

Перейди, если мне невдомек!

Дорога, дорога поперек земли -

Поперек судьбы глубокий след, -

Многие уже себе попутчиков нашли

Ненадолго, а спутников - нет.

Промелькнет как беда ухмылка,

Разведет навсегда развилка...

Где же нужные слова, кто же первый их найдет?

Я опять прозевал переход.

Река!- избавленье послано двоим, -

Стоит только руку протянуть...

Но опять, опять на разных палубах стоим, -

Подскажите же нам что-нибудь!

Волжский ветер хмельной и вязкий,

Шепчет в души одной подсказкой:

Время мало - торопись и не жди конца пути, -

Кто же первый рискнет перейти?!

In Vladimir Vysotsky's song "Duet of the Parted," we witness a metaphor for separated love. The road, dividing the endless steppe, symbolizes the insurmountable obstacle that has separated two lovers. They walk on opposite sides, unable to cross to the other side, which represents reunification. The question "How many winters will this path last?" emphasizes the agony of waiting and the uncertainty of the future.

The lyrical hero realizes the need for decisive action: "Someone has to take a chance, make up their mind!". He calls on his beloved to engage in dialogue, to find a compromise, to overcome obstacles. The image of the crossroads inspires hope for the possibility of rapprochement, for a chance to change the situation.

Further, the road transforms into "a deep trace across fate," emphasizing the fatality of separation. Many find temporary fellow travelers but not true life partners. The smirk of misfortune and the fork in the road symbolize the vicissitudes of fate that can further alienate lovers.

The appearance of the river is a symbol of hope, salvation, the opportunity to start over. But here, too, the lovers find themselves on opposite banks, on different "decks," highlighting the insurmountable nature of the barrier. The "Volga wind," personifying the force of life, calls to hurry, not to wait for the weather by the sea, but for one of the heroes to take the first step.

The main idea of the song is a call to fight for your love, to overcome difficulties and not be afraid to take the first step towards each other. After all, time is relentless, and only decisiveness can unite two lonely hearts.

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