The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Crystal House" (Dom hrustalnyiy) the performer of the song "Vladimir Vysotsky"

(Verse 1)

If I'm rich like the king of the sea,

Just shout to me: "Catch the lure!"

My underwater and above-water world,

Without hesitation, I'll splash out!


A crystal house on the mountain - for her,

I myself, like a dog, grew up - in chains.

My springs are silver,

My placers are gold!

My springs are silver,

My placers are gold!

(Verse 2)

If I'm poor as a lone dog,

And in my house - tumbleweed rolls,

You will help me, Lord,

You won't let life be crumpled up!


A crystal house on the mountain - for her,

I myself, like a dog, grew up - in chains.

My springs are silver,

My placers are gold!

My springs are silver,

My placers are gold!

(Verse 3)

I wouldn't compare any other to you -

Even if you execute me, shoot me.

Look how I admire you -

Like Raphael's Madonna!


A crystal house on the mountain - for her,

I myself, like a dog, grew up - in chains.

My springs are silver,

My placers are gold!

My springs are silver,

My placers are gold!

(1 куплет)

Если я богат, как царь морской,

Крикни только мне: "Лови блесну!"

Мир подводный и надводный свой,

Не задумываясь, выплесну!


Дом хрустальный на горе - для неё,

Сам, как пес бы, так и рос - в цепи.

Родники мои - серебряные

Золотые мои россыпи!

Родники мои - серебряные

Золотые мои россыпи!

Если беден я, как пес - один,

И в дому моем - шаром кати,

Ведь поможешь ты мне, Господи,

Не позволишь жизнь скомкать иии!


Дом хрустальный на горе - для неё,

Сам, как пёс бы, так и рос - в цепи.

Родники мои серебряные,

Золотые мои россыпии!

Родники мои серебряные,

Золотые мои россыпии!

Не сравнил бы я любую с тобой -

Хоть казни меня, расстреливай.

Посмотри, как я любуюсь тобой, -

Как мадонной Рафаэлевыыы!


Дом хрустальный на горе - для неё,

Сам, как пес бы, так и рос - в цепи.

Родники мои серебряные,

Золотые мои россыпи!

Родники мои серебряные,

Золотые мои россыпи!


Vladimir Vysotsky's song "The Crystal House" tells a simple yet powerful story of all-consuming love and self-sacrifice. The lyrical hero is willing to do anything for his beloved, as evidenced by the vivid metaphors and hyperbole that permeate the lyrics.

The first verse paints a picture of boundless wealth that the hero is willing to sacrifice for his beloved. "The underwater and above-water world" is a metaphor for everything he has, material and spiritual. He is ready to give it all up without hesitation, at the first call of his chosen one.

The chorus reveals the contrast between the luxury intended for the beloved ("The crystal house on the mountain") and the hero's willingness to endure any hardship for her sake ("Like a dog, I would have grown up - in chains"). "Silver springs" and "golden placers" are not only metaphors for wealth but also symbols of the purity and value of his feelings.

The second verse shows that even in poverty, the hero will not renounce his love. He believes that even in the most difficult circumstances, higher powers will help him remain true to his feelings.

In the third verse, the hero's love reaches its climax. He compares his beloved to "Raphael's Madonna," elevating her to the rank of a shrine. His love is not just passion, but adoration of the ideal of beauty and purity.

The repeating chorus emphasizes the immutability of the hero's feelings, which are independent of both wealth and poverty. "The Crystal House" is a symbol of his love, ready to withstand any adversity.

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