The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Road, oh road, there's no counting your steps." (Doroga, doroga, scheta net schagam) the performer of the song "Vladimir Vysotsky"

Road, road - there's no counting the steps,

And you don't know where the road will end,

We walk on different sides of the road

And can't seem to cross it.

Smile at me, at least with a glance.

Smile - I'm right here, beside you.

I'll run a red light, a fine doesn't matter,

Just - tell me when.

A smile, a smile - who is it for?

After all, no one waits for it like I do!

I froze and closed my eyes, opened them, but - you're alone,

And I missed the crossing again!

Smile at me, at least with a glance.

Smile - I'm right here, beside you.

I'll run a red light, a fine doesn't matter,

Just - tell me when.

I walk, I walk - who will stop me! -

And my steps count down the path.

I'm ready to follow you to infinity,

Just - don't turn away somewhere.

Smile at me, at least with a glance.

Smile - I'm right here, beside you.

Our path is long, but it will end, I'm afraid -

Cross over, if I don't dare.

Дорога, дорога — счёта нет шагам,

И не знаешь, где конец пути,

По дороге мы идём по разным сторонам

И не можем её перейти.

Улыбнись мне хоть как-нибудь взглядом.

Улыбнись — я напротив, я рядом.

Побегу на красный свет, оштрафуют — не беда,

Только — ты подскажи мне когда.

Улыбка, улыбка — для кого она?

Ведь, как я, её никто не ждёт!

Я замер и глаза закрыл, открыл, но — ты одна,

А я опять прозевал переход!

Улыбнись мне хоть как-нибудь взглядом.

Улыбнись — я напротив, я рядом.

Побегу на красный свет, оштрафуют — не беда,

Только — ты подскажи мне когда.

Шагаю, шагаю, — кто мне запретит! —

И шаги отсчитывают путь.

За тобой готов до бесконечности идти,

Только — ты не сверни куда-нибудь.

Улыбнись мне хоть как-нибудь взглядом.

Улыбнись — я напротив, я рядом.

Путь наш долог, но ведь он всё же кончится, боюсь, —

Перейди, если я не решусь.

The song "Road, Road" by Vladimir Vysotsky uses the metaphor of a road and the inability to cross to the other side to express the pain of unrequited love.

The lyrical hero finds himself on life's path, where every step is a metaphor for lived days and experiences. He is alone ("countless steps I take") and sees no end to his journey. On the other side of the road is his beloved, separated from him not by physical barriers, but by a chasm of misunderstanding and unresponsiveness. The hero yearns for closeness but cannot reach it ("and we cannot cross it").

A smile, for the lyrical hero, represents hope, a sign that would allow him to overcome this chasm. He is ready for reckless actions ("I'll run a red light"), just to receive the slightest sign of attention. But his pleas remain unanswered. He misses the moment ("I missed the crossing"), symbolizing missed opportunities to get closer.

The image of walking "I walk and I walk" emphasizes the hero's persistence and devotion. He is ready to follow his love endlessly, but he is afraid that she will disappear, turn off her path, leaving him alone. In the final lines of the song, the hero almost loses hope and asks his beloved to take a step towards him, to cross the road if he himself does not dare.

The song is filled with longing and hopelessness. Vysotsky masterfully uses metaphors and imagery to convey the deep feelings of the lyrical hero, creating a poignant picture of unrequited love.

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