The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Victim of television." (Jertva televideniya) the performer of the song "Vladimir Vysotsky"

"Got a TV - gimme a podium!

I'll roar so loud - you'll hear for miles around!

It's not a window, I wouldn't spit in it -

It's like a door to a whole new world they've built!

Everything's at home - the most complete review:

Vacations in Crimea, a hurricane, and Kobzon too.

A movie, part seven - time to grab a bite!

I haven't seen the previous six, that's right.

Flipping to channel one - some people are diving,

Meh, kinda boring, but then at eight PM sharp -

"Come on, girls!" - what they're doing is quite unnerving!

And all in aprons - it's enough to blow your mind!

Got a TV - my home's no longer just a flat,

I grieve with the whole world's sorrow, that's a fact,

I breathe the air of the entire planet,

See Nixon himself with his lady, how about that!

There you go! A foreign leader, face to face,

Head to head, moving closer with grace,

Slightly adjusting his stool, he found his way,

To be one-on-one with the head of state, hooray!

Then - the shock workers at the bakery,

Talking all about bread until ten, you see.

And here's my favorite - "Come on, guys!" - what a sight!

Jumping, shooting - it's enough to give you a fright!

If you don't watch TV - well, maybe you're not a dunce,

But, at the very least, you're missing out on the fun.

You wouldn't know that new talents they seek,

You wouldn't know who's truly unique.

How can I convince my stubborn Nastya, oh my plight?!

Nastya wants to go to the cinema, Saturday night.

She insists I'm consumed by passion's fire

For this idiotic box, an object of my desire.

Yes, I am consumed - I enter my humble abode,

And there they are - Nixon and Georges Pompidou!

That's great - I grab a bottle, feeling so bold,

Georges takes a sip, Richard, well, he never gets old.

But the reality is even more bizarre,

I switch to channel four - and there, on the balcony afar:

"Come on, girls!" "Come on, guys!" - the crowd roars with glee,

Presenting an award at the U-U-U-N, for all to see!

... And then, at the Kanatchikova Dacha, you know,

Where, unfortunately, the service tends to be slow,

Even in my delirium, I watched every show,

Always speaking up for Angela Davis, high and low.

I hear: "Don't cry - everything's alright in the taiga,"

The USSR won the match against FRG, what a saga!

A hundred villains captured, their reign of terror through,

And Magomayev is singing on KVN, it's true.

But the reality is even more grand, I confess,

Two TVs - spinning, twirling, a visual excess:

"Come on, girls!" "Come on, guys!" - voices fill the air,

For them, going crazy wouldn't be unfair!

Есть телевизор - подайте трибуну, -

Так проору - разнесется на мили!

Он - не окно, я в окно и не плюну, -

Мне будто дверь в целый мир прорубили.

Все на дому - самый полный обзор:

Отдых в Крыму, ураган и Кобзон,

Фильм, часть седьмая - тут можно поесть:

Я не видал предыдущие шесть.

Врубаю первую - а там ныряют, -

Ну, это так себе, а с двадцати -

"А ну-ка, девушки!" - что вытворяют!

И все - в передничках, - с ума сойти!

Есть телевизор - мне дом не квартира, -

Я всею скорбью скорблю мировою,

Грудью дышу я всем воздухом мира,

Никсона вижу с его госпожою.

Вот тебе раз! Иностранный глава -

Прямо глаз в глаз, к голове голова, -

Чуть пододвинул ногой табурет -

И оказался с главой тет-на-тет.

Потом - ударники в хлебопекарне, -

Дают про выпечку до десяти.

И вот любимая - "А ну-ка, парни!" -

Стреляют, прыгают, - с ума сойти!

Если не смотришь - ну пусть не болван ты,

Но уж, по крайности, богом убитый:

Ты же не знаешь, что ищут таланты,

Ты же не ведаешь, кто даровитый!

Как убедить мне упрямую Настю?! -

Настя желает в кино - как суббота, -

Настя твердит, что проникся я страстью

К глупому ящику для идиота.

Да, я проникся - в квартиру зайду,

Глядь - дома и Никсон и Жорж Помпиду!

Вот хорошо - я бутылочку взял, -

Жорж - посошок, Ричард, правда, не стал.

Ну а действительность еще кошмарней, -

Врубил четвертую - и на балкон:

"А ну-ка, девушки!" "А ну-ка, парням!"

Вручают премию в О-О-ООН!

...Ну а потом, на Канатчиковой даче,

Где, к сожаленью, навязчивый сервис,

Я и в бреду все смотрел передачи,

Все заступался за Анджелу Дэвис.

Слышу: не плачь - все в порядке в тайге,

Выигран матч СССР - ФРГ,

Сто негодяев захвачены в плен,

И Магомаев поет в КВН.

Ну а действительность еще шикарней -

Два телевизора - крути-верти:

"А ну-ка, девушки!" - "А ну-ка, парни!", -

За них не боязно с ума сойти!

In the song "Victim of Television", Vladimir Vysotsky uses irony and sarcasm to describe the influence of television on a person who has become a slave to the "magic box".

The lyrical hero is a typical representative of the era of developed television, for whom it has replaced real life. He perceives television as a window into a world that is more exciting and captivating than his own life. He enthusiastically follows political events, sports competitions, concerts, and, of course, erotic shows ("Come on, girls!").

Vysotsky ridicules the uncritical perception of information inherent in the "victim of television." The hero does not see the difference between reality and the television picture, believing that he communicates with politicians, is friends with celebrities, and even participates in international events. He prides himself on "breathing the air of the world," when in fact he is merely observing the world through the prism of the screen.

Television completely absorbs the hero, tearing him away from reality and depriving him of the ability to think critically. He does not notice the absurdity of the situation when Nixon and Pompidou are in his apartment, and the UN award ceremony is held to the accompaniment of an erotic program.

Even while in a psychiatric hospital ("on Kanatchikova Dacha"), the hero cannot tear himself away from the screen, continuing to live in a world of television illusions. The final lines of the song with bitter irony state the complete victory of television over man: two televisions with endlessly flickering "Come on, girls!" and "Come on, guys!" symbolize the final immersion in the abyss of meaningless consumption of information.

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